August 22, 2012

 Chapter Meeting

Location: Psy 302


  • Other financial training in addition to the one that has been done. Might have to get it done before Thursday.
  • Tom Alicia: old video game systems; tribute to national ergonomics month in October. Idea: to combine the personal collection with the one that the department has. Set up can happen in the student union or in the psychology building. Optional fundraising jar: where do we want to put it? we have rooms. Find undergraduates to help: Brady, All week of October 3rd (despite the national holiday) (Tom Alicia, Shan, Michael, undergrads, Ben, Ashley)
  • Meeting at Mellow Mushroom; may be able to get reimbursed through National. Going to check into it. Scheduled for first general meeting. Ashley, Jen, Gaby, Happy Hour @ 9. (someone else is determining the money situation)
  • Web Event: Professional portfolio for the website, student funded, meeting for it (bring your vitae); template for html formatting. November 8th, 5:30 (Adam, Ben, Shan)
  • Tailgating Party on October 4th
  • 3 week increments for meetings/general meetings.
  • General meetings on Thursday nights.
  • Doodle to everyone about time for general meetings. (4pm-8pm increments)
  • Fall picnic
  • First years responsible for the Halloween party.
  • Christmas party weekend of Dec 7th

Dues and Communication

    1. Expectation of nothing going on; ABD/older students/Alumni unaware of the facebook page, unaware of the website. Used to be an email to sign up for the club. We intentionally didn’t send one. It’s that time.

    2. Send around an email about where to sign up for the meeting, communicate the facebook google plus and website, use it in advertising the general meeting where you can join us for pizza and alcohol.  Help us make it better (Ben and Ashley);
    3. Posters/flyers: “this is our web address poster
    4. Link/sign up ability to be on the listserv via the website.

Next official meeting: TBA, 5:30pm @ Mellow Mushroom