October 4, 2011

 Chapter Meeting

Location: 301Q, Psychology Building
Officers Present: TBA

  • National Ergonomics Month
  • We achieved Gold Status for the 2011 year
  • HFES social event was a success
    • In attendance were people from Embry Riddle, San Jose State, Boeing, as well as our own students and professors (Hancock and Szalma)
  • HFES informed us that we can request $200 from extra funds that became available.
    • We need to revise our budget by 10/09/2011
    • Allocate money for the picnic and for refreshments for the Panel Discussion
  • Panel Discussion
    • The panel discussion will take place on 11/01/2011 @ 6 p.m. at the HEC Bldg. (Harris Engineering Center) Room 118 – go to:  http://map.ucf.edu/locations/116/harris-corp-engineering-center/?org=74 for a map and directions.
    • The panel will include Dr. Ed Salas from academia, and Dr. Jim Farmer (Navair) from government.
    • We are still looking for an industry person- we will contact Haydee Cuevas (SA Technologies).
  • Open House Oct 14th
    • Lab posters set-up
  • Picnic Oct 15th
    • Lake Claire
    • Back up location, pool party
  • Halloween Party
    • Will be on 10/29/11
    • Jennifer Ludvigsen kindly offered to host the party at her house
    • We need volunteers to help organize and decorate the place, and volunteers to stay late to clean-up.