October 7, 2008

 Officer Meeting

Location: Partnership II Building, Research Park
Present: Joe Keebler, Carrie Murphy, Katie Del Giudice, Heather Lum

Meeting Notes:

  • November 8: Homecoming Tailgate. We need to turn in a SAFE form for this event with SGA. Will probably host 3-4 hours prior to the game (game starts at 3:30pm). Steve Serge has a grill we might be able to use or we can buy a small one. We need to buy food for 15-20 people (approx $50). Carrie will host a facepainting booth to offset food costs and as a fundraiser (suggested donations of $1-$2).
  • October 24th: next brown bag luncheon, student lounge or in 310Q if available (some students want to present their research so may want to have a computer available for PowerPoint).
  • October 24th: Halloween Party, Heather will make a flyer with the details. The template from last year’s flyer is out on the website server. We’ll run it approx 8pm – 12am. Buy $50 worth of food and have a potluck for side dishes, desserts, etc. We can take donations to raise some funds. Officers will meet at 6pm to decorate Aaron’s house. We may consider getting a maid to clean up the day after.
  • We need to harass people about dues!!! Officers also need to make sure they have paid.
  • NEM: teaching thing will happen on a Friday in October, Joe will find out details. The science fair judging will happen next semester. We need to solidify the video game display details!! We also need to turn in a SAFE form for this event. Need to send out an email to recruit consoles for the display.
  • Second general membership meeting: Oct 14th at 4:30 pm in 301Q.
  • We still need to ask Becky Sharp about decorating the student lounge and hanging awards up. She will return from vacation on Oct 13.
  • We will approve the updated Chapter Constitution at the next meeting. We need to send it to the general membership first and vote at the meeting.

Next meeting: October 14, 2008 at 4:30 pm in 301Q, Psych Bulding on campus