January 21, 2013

Officer’s Meeting

Officers: Adam Emfield, Ashley Hughes, Jennifer Leavens & Julissa Nunez
Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm EST


Discuss changes for the coming year, events, and general meetings/scheduling

Possible Events


  • Disney
    Superhero Party (location?)
    Air Traffic Control Tower Tour (Jen)


  • Welcome Event (BBQ)
    Ergonomics Month- Videogame Event
    Halloween Party (location?)


  • Hopefully, launching the newsletter this semester (Alyssa?)
    Mentorship Program (first years paired with mentor)
    Potential Speakers (Reason? Sprint guy?)

Fundraising Opportunities

Event at Five Guys or Cici’s Pizza

General Meetings

Aiming to have general meetings monthly (total of roughly 3 per semester)
Dates TBA

Future Officer’s Meetings

Scheduled for Wednesdays 3:30pm (weekly)