May 17, 2013

Chapter Meeting

Location: PSY 302 HF Lounge
Officers Present: Adam Emfield, Ashley Hughes, Julissa Nunez, Lexi Dewar, & Shannon Bailey
Time: 1:00pm-1:30pm


BBQ Plans, HFES Social, Outreach, Disney Trip, Speakers, HFES Funding, Adam’s Leave


  • Flyers have been placed in faculty mailboxes and posted in PSY
  • Need- grilling kit (Mike), food (Lexi & Julissa), and invite as many people as we can
  • Send email to Google group to see if anyone can help clean up/set up (Julissa)

HFES Social (Ashley)

  • Waiting for a reply from Boeing
  • Waiting on reply from hotel (rates)
  • Need to look for venue
  • Ideas on how to get people to network (prizes?)


  • Gaby & Ashley to head this for the Fall
  • Updating old PPTs (5 min & 30 min)


  • Can’t plan this trip until we get everything financially settled
    • Debit cards should be coming in


  • Need to submit everything in about a month to get someone here for this summer
    • Ideas- Amazing Randy, Ford researcher
      • Decide in a week
  • Ideas needed for the Fall

HFES Funding

  • Two people to go to the Senate meeting when they debate the bill (more people would be better)
    • Date to come (usually Wedn. evenings)
      • Jen & Ashley to attend
  • 19 people may be receiving funding
    • We can fund all 1st authors or all authors
      • Depends on who will accept the funding and attend HFES (3rd & 4th authors)
    • Must stay on top of paperwork

Adam’s Leave

  • Leaving Tuesday (May 21, 2013)
    • Accessible through email until May 26th
  • Leaving to UK (May 28, 2013)
  • Meet every 2-3 weeks
    • Guest speak & HFES are the musts for the summer
    • Adam Skypes in
    • Update bylaws & constitution
      • Make sure we are in compliance with UCF and national chapter
    • Apply for gold chapter status (Adam)
    • Although not time sensitive, work on guides