SURG is a collaboration between four research laboratories in the Psychology Department:
Designing Research & Education for Addiction Management Laboratory
(DREAM Lab), Directed by Dr. Lidia Meshesha
Visit the DREAM Lab
Health, Expectancies, & Addiction Laboratory
(HEAL), Directed by Dr. Michael Dunn
Visit the HEAL Lab
Risk, Eating, and Addiction Longitudinally Examined Through In situ Momentary Experiences Laboratory
(REALE-TIME Lab), Directed by Dr. Rob Dvorak
Visit the REALE-TIME Lab
Social Theory, Relationships, & Interpersonal Violence Exposure Laboratory
(STRIVE Lab), Directed by Dr. Jacqueline Woerner
Visit the STRIVE Lab
SURG has resources shared by the labs including a BarLab for alcohol administration studies, and data collection rooms and equipment. In addition, DREAM, HEAL, STRIVE and REALE-TIME each have their own lab spaces and equipment. Currently, 11 Clinical Ph.D. students work with Drs. Meshesha, Dvorak, and Dunn, and they share office space in the Psychology Building in the faculty office suite to facilitate ongoing collaboration between our labs.
Currently, Drs. Dunn and Dvorak are co-investigators on a SEED grant with Dr. Jackie Woerner (PI) titled Alcohol use and impacts on sexual violence and sexual risk behavior: Identification of mechanisms and development of intervention strategies. This funding is supporting several projects that will form the basis of new grant applications.