Fall 2020
Rachel Whyte
Advisor: Dr. Michael Callaghan
Title of Thesis: Working Toward a Lost Cause? Comparing pXRF Analysis to Neutron Activation Analysis using Maya Ceramics from Holtun, Guatemala
Download: Whyte_R
Summer 2020
Morgan Ferrell
Advisor: Dr. John J. Schultz
Title of Thesis: Applications of Close-range Photogrammetry for Documenting Human Skeletal Remains in Obstructed Wooded Environments
Download: Ferrell_M
Melissa Gomez
Advisor: Dr. Lana Williams
Title of Thesis: FRUITS in Dakhleh: Isotopic and Bayesian Mixed-Model Reconstruction of Food Source Contributions and Diet at Kellis 2 Cemetery, Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt
Download: Gomez_M
Megan McCollum
Advisor: Dr. John. J. Schultz
Title of Thesis: Refining the Data Collection Methodology of Outdoor Forensic Scenes Involving Scattered Human Remains Using Close-Range Photogrammetry
Download: McCollum_M
Spring 2020
Lauren Friedman
Advisor: Dr. Ty Matejowsky
Title of Thesis: Stage Dives and Shared Mics: Ethnographic Perspectives on Audience/Performer Interactions at Punk Rock Shows in Central Florida
Download: Friedman_L
Sherman Lee Johns
Advisor: Dr. Brigitte Kovacevich & Dr. Sarah Barber
Title of Thesis: Mill Cove Complex Lithic Typology: Understanding Early Mississippian Period Social Exchange in Northeastern Florida
Download: Johns_S
Thomas Lee
Advisor: Dr. John Walker
Title of Thesis: Forests and Farmers: A Landscape Approach to Settlement Pattern Analysis in the Bolivian Amazon
Download: Lee_T
Brenna Raisor
Advisor: Dr. John J. Schultz & Dr. Tosha Dupras
Title of Thesis: Meroitic Childhood Diet and Weaning at Sai Island, Sudan
Download: Raisor_B
Danielle Waite
Advisor: Dr. Brigitte Kovacevich & Dr. Michael Callaghan
Title of Thesis: Household Economies and Socioeconomic Integration: An Analysis of Obsidian Artifacts from Coba, Quintana Roo And Yaxuna, Yucatan, Mexico
Download: Waite_D
Danielle Young
Advisor: Dr. John Walker
Title of Thesis: Paleoethnobotanical Analysis of Starch Grains and Phytoliths from Pre-Columbian Ceramic Residues in the Bolivian Amazon
Download: Young_D