
Dr. Walker is an associate professor specializing in archaeology. He received his Ph.D. in 1999 from the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include political and social organization, landscape archaeology, common poor resources, the relationship between nature and culture, complex societies and agricultural intensification in the Amazon Basin, the Andes, and Bolivia. Dr. Walker currently works in the Amazon Basin and studies how pre-Columbian farmers engineered that environment, showing that the pristine Amazon has in fact been managed and cultivated for thousands of years. He joined the UCF faculty in 2006 and teaches Archaeology of Complex Societies, History of Anthropological Thought, and GIS Applications in Archaeology.

Island, River, and Field (UNM Press)

Project Archives (STARS at UCF Library)

GIS Graduate Certificate at UCF

Research Specialization

My theoretical interests include political and social organization, landscape archaeology, common pool resources, the relationship between nature and culture, complex societies and agricultural intensification. My methodological interests include Geographic Information Systems, ceramic analysis and experimental archaeology. My area specialties include the Amazon Basin, the Andes, and Bolivia.

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