Come learn how to use the latest in geospatial and geophysical technologies within the ancient city at Kerkenes in central Turkey! The archaeological project, directed by UCF’s own Dr. Scott Branting, is world-famous for its early adoption and its extensive and innovative use of technologies such as magnetometers, resistivity meters, survey-grade GPS systems, drones, 3D scanners, and agent-based simulations.  Be a part of the geophysical field school and learn how to find buried walls and buildings dating to over 2,500 years ago, to use drones and total stations to monitor standing walls in the one of the city’s gates, to reconstruct in 3D what the ancient city looked like, or to explore the wealth of information contained within the project’s digital geospatial datasets.  You might even find evidence that will guide excavations and help us to answer critical questions about this important ancient city and about cities around the world.

For more information, see the Kerkenes Project website at: