The UCFC material collected from various habitats in Central Florida has been used as voucher specimens for descriptive taxonomy. To date, a total of 36 new species (24 in Hymenoptera, 10 in Coleoptera and 2 in Diptera) have been described based on recently-collected material. Given the thoroughness of the UCFC holdings that include highly diverse lineages of insects, many more unrealized new species await descriptions. Below is a list of new species resulting from the UCFC holdings (holotypye or paratype) in chronological order.
Order |
Family |
Species |
Hymenoptera |
Bethylidae |
Bakeriella mira Evans, 1997 |
Hymenoptera |
Dryinidae |
Dryinus fullertoni Olmi, 1997 |
Coleoptera |
Sphindidae |
Carinisphindus purpuricephalus McHugh and Lewis, 2000 |
Coleoptera |
Cerambycidae |
Enaphalodes archboldi Lingafelter and Chemsak, 2002 |
Hymenoptera |
Platygastridae |
Synopeas russelli MacGown, 2003 |
Hymenoptera |
Bethylidae |
Lepidosternopsis irradiata Lanes and Azevedo, 2004 |
Hymenoptera |
Diapriidae |
Entomacis cellaria Yoder, 2004 |
Hymenoptera |
Braconidae |
Epsilogaster fullertoni Pitz, 2004 |
Hymenoptera |
Eupelmidae |
Zaischnopsis bouceki Gibson, 2005 |
Hymenoptera |
Eupelmidae |
Zaischnopsis coenotea Gibson, 2005 |
Hymenoptera |
Eupelmidae |
Zaischnopsis erythrothorax Gibson, 2005 |
Hymenoptera |
Eupelmidae |
Zaischnopsis phalaros Gibson, 2005 |
Hymenoptera |
Eupelmidae |
Zaischnopsis xanthocola Gibson, 2005 |
Diptera |
Therevidae |
Elcaribe scarbroughi Webb, 2006 |
Hymenoptera |
Eupelmidae |
Calosota albipalpus Gibson, 2010 |
Hymenoptera |
Eupelmidae |
Eupelmus curticinctus Gibson, 2011 |
Hymenoptera |
Eupelmidae |
Eupelmus fuscipectus Gibson, 2011 |
Diptera |
Curtonotidae |
Curtonotum floridense Klymko and Marshall, 2011 |
Hymenoptera |
Halictidae |
Lasioglossum batya Gibbs, 2011 |
Hymenoptera |
Mymaridae |
Ooctonus longipetiolus Huber, 2012 |
Hymenoptera |
Dryinidae |
Deinodryinus levigatus Olmi & Virla, 2013 |
Coleoptera |
Staphylinidae |
Lissohypnus fullertoni Frank and Kelly, 2014 |
Coleoptera |
Chrysomelidae |
Pachybrachis archboldi Barney, 2016 |
Coleoptera |
Chrysomelidae |
Pachybrachis deyrupi Barney, 2016 |
Coleoptera Curculionidae Eurhoptus cariniventris Anderson and Caterino, 2018

Hymenoptera |
Eupelmidae |
Psomizopelma metallicum Gibson, 2018 |

Coleoptera |
Chrysomelidae |
Pachybrachis jacobi Barney, 2018 |

Coleoptera |
Chrysomelidae |
Pachybrachis walteri Barney, 2018 |

Hymenoptera |
Megaspilidae |
Conostigmus franzinii Trietsch & Mikó, 2020 |
Hymenoptera |
Megaspilidae |
Conostigmus lepus Trietsch, 2020 |

Hymenoptera |
Megaspilidae |
Conostigmus michaeli Trietsch, 2020 |

Hymenoptera |
Megaspilidae |
Conostigmus muratorei Trietsch, 2020 |

Hymenoptera |
Megaspilidae |
Conostigmus washburni Trietsch, 2020 |

Coleoptera |
Elateridae |
Platyparadonus taino Pandolfi and Etzler, 2020 |

Hymenoptera |
Apidae |
Mesoplia bahamensis Genaro and Breto, 2022 |

Coleoptera |
Scarabaeidae |
Melanocanthon vulturnus Edmonds, 2023 |