Gandhi’s Grandson Provides Insights on Peace Process

Peace activist and grandson of Mahatma Gandhi Dr. Arun Gandhi has long shared his wisdom with audiences and administrators at UCF, where he advises The India Center and the Global Perspectives Office. In October, Gandhi delivered his insights in a special setting as the keynote speaker for UCF’s annual interfaith forum. He drew lessons from his own experiences growing up in South Africa under apartheid and life in India at his grandfather’s side. Then he focused on what he described as the responsibility of the world’s religions to help address and resolve human-rights issues that plague society like human trafficking. Also during his visit, Gandhi addressed listeners off campus and recorded a TV show for WUCF-TV/PBS. He appeared to draw particular satisfaction from explaining how violence presents a never-ending invitation to shape positive change. For example, Gandhi told the story of making an extraordinary effort to host an official from South Africa’s old repressive system who was visiting India. In the end, Gandhi’s counterintuitive gesture succeeded in opening the visitor’s eyes and heart.

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