New Minor Coming Fall 2015

The blue and brown colors in butterfly Morpho peleides limpida are not pigments but due to Nature’s remarkable Nanotechnology. This and many other nanoscience topics will be covered in a series of three UG courses composing the new minor in nanoscale science and technology at UCF.
UCF stands for opportunity, and an exciting new opportunity is coming to campus in fall 2015.
Nanoscale science and technology will now be offered as a minor to students interested in the fundamentals of nanoscience and nanotechnology and the implications to society.
The goal of the 18-hour minor is for students to acquire a working knowledge of nanoscience principles and industrial applications, and to understand the societal technology issues that may impede the adoption of nanotechnology.
Three core courses will be offered as UCF Service-Learning approved courses. Students will be engaged in several activities involving middle schools in the Orange/Seminole counties in an effort to enhance the understanding of the topics covered in each course.
Service-learning activities will be developed by students enrolled in the minor in close collaboration with participating k-12 school instructors to accommodate the activity to their specific needs. 40 percent of their course grade will come from the successful completion and delivery of the project.
For more information about this exciting new minor, click here.