Meet September 2023 College of Sciences Ace Award Winner: Sheri Pearson
The College of Sciences recognizes our outstanding staff with the Staff Ace Award. Winners of the Ace Award exhibit initiative to support COS while working well with those around them. They are “movers and shakers” in their departments and inspire others with their leadership skills.
Congratulations to our September 2023 recipient, Sheri Pearson!

About Sheri Pearson
Title: Budget Analyst III
Department/School: College of Sciences Finance Business Center
Start date at UCF: 10/08/2007
Hometown: Easton, Maryland
How would your friends and family describe you? I think they would say I am a very soft spoken, loving, caring and kind person. That I am the calming voice within the family who can always be counted on for anything to support a family member or friend.
What do you enjoy about your job? I really enjoy being part of a team and seeing the amazing accomplishments we achieve by working together, sharing our knowledge and supporting one another.
What do you enjoy about being a Knight? I enjoy working at a university that supports a diverse and inclusive environment for both its students and employees.
Who inspires you at work? My supervisor is my inspiration at work. I watch her work relentlessly to ensure the entire COS Finance Business Center has the training and resources they need to successfully accomplish their jobs.
Thanks to staff members like Sheri, we can continue becoming the University for the Future. Their hard work and dedication to UCF inspires us all to Charge On.
If you are a UCF staff or faculty member, nominate your fellow staff members here.