The University of Central Florida’s College of Sciences’ graduate chemistry program has been ranked ninth of twenty-five U.S. graduate chemistry programs providing excellent career support by The College of Sciences is proud of the chemistry department’s achievement. Graduate students on are asked to rate their university’s graduate programs in 15 different categories such […]
This year the College of Sciences has over $22,000 in scholarship money we’d love to give to students. Since the deadlines for scholarship applications are approaching fast, February 1st unless otherwise stated, we thought it would be a good idea to give a list of all current scholarships being offered. Browse by College of Sciences […]
Chemistry PhD Program Marks its 10th Anniversary (2003-2013) 2013 is a very special year indeed. A cherished dream shared by many in the Chemistry Department and university, the PhD program in Chemistry was approved in July 2003 and admitted its first students in August 2003. The program and department have come a long way since […]
Kevin D. Belfield, Professor of Chemistry and Chair of the Department of Chemistry, was elected as a fellow of the prestigious American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the professional organization that publishes the journal Science. The honor is given to individuals by their peers for efforts to advance science or its application. Officially announced […]
The defense’s third witness of the day was Dr. Michael Sigman, a University of Central Florida (UCF) chemistry professor, who said he was asked by Orange County sheriff’s officials in July 2008 to take air samples from Anthony’s car. Sigman detailed how he and a colleague transferred 1 liter of air into a bag and […]
Research from UCF scientists was highlighted in the IOP Science Nanotechnology journal in the electronics and photonic category. You can view it by clicking here. Nanotechnology encompasses the understanding of the fundamental physics, chemistry, biology and technology of nanometre-scale objects. The article, “High Yield Fabrication of Chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide Field Effect Transistors by Dielectrophoresis,” was […]
One professor and a duo of UCF students are helping research new ways to battle cancer. College of Medicine professor Otto Phanstiel, doctorate of chemistry student Aaron Muth and undergraduate biology major Joseph Kamel presented their research at the most recent American Chemical Society regional meeting in New Orleans. The team’s research was on polyamines, […]