UCF Biology to Offer Tracks in Fall

ph-jacque-brund_9578-548x364Undergraduate students in the UCF Biology Department will soon be able to concentrate in specific subjects with their degree.

Starting this fall, tracks will be offered within the UCF biology degree. While in the past, students could focus in subject areas informally by taking certain elective classes, this new addition allows students to be formally recognized for their focus in a specific area of biology. These tracks will show up on their degree audits and can be added to resumes.

  1. General Biology (default track)
  2. Marine and Aquatic Biology
  3. Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology
  4. Plant Sciences
  5. Pre-health Professional Biology
  6. Zoology and Pre-Veterinarian Science

Though these tracks are not requirements of a biology degree, all biology majors will be required to complete more labs with the intent of strengthening their degree.

Please contact Eric Hoffman or Iliana Castro with questions.

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