1st Science Definition Workshop

January 15, 19-20, 2021 – Virtual Workshop

Join us to help us define the leading edge of research questions for multi-particle systems to be addressed by a next-generation microgravity facility.

To expand the scientific portfolio, the science definition team (SDT) encourages members from adjacent research fields as well as the broader scientific community to suggest experiments that could be performed with the proposed facility.

The science definition team will use the input from the workshop to compile the best, feasible science objectives. It is our hope that with a broad and compelling scientific mission, we can secure the support of the agencies so that many scientists can perform their experiments aboard the ISS. This is an opportunity for you to propose your experiments and to join an international collaboration.

**Join our continued discussions on Slack: iss-compact.slack.com**

Workshop Flyer

Block Workshop Schedule

Workshop Schedule (v0119)