Dossier Creator

Please fill out the following form to the best of your abilities. Thank you!

Information on filling Out the form

Highlighting required fields

Download the pdf above. This section contains contact information for both yourself and your advisor. The sections outlined in red are required information. The status section is for staff use.

Checkbox examples

For this section, please mark the checkbox next to the training you have received. General training will be given the first time you use the cleanroom. EHS 201 and EHS 202 are required within one month of working in the MPF labs. See Getting Started for more information on getting trained. If you do not know the dates for the training received please estimate or leave that section blank.

Machine Learning Sections

For the machine training sections, check any machine you have learned how to use. Please also list the user who taught you how to use them.

Place photo here example

If you have software such as Adobe Acrobat Pro and can add in your photo, please insert your image. In this image you should be easily reconizable. If you cannot add your photo to the form, please email your photo to THIS IS A REQUIRED FIELD.

Once you have turned in your dossier, your keycard access can be approved. You will receive notification via the preferred email address you supply on your dossier of your keycard status. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email us at