2015 Presentations

The 30th annual SIOP was held in Philadelphia, PA. We appreciate your support and hope you enjoyed our presentations, symposiums, and discussions:

Poster Presentations

  • Dhanani, L. Y., Joseph, D. L., & Wolcott, A. M. A comprehensive meta-analysis of workplace mistreatment.
  • Dhanani, L. Y., Wolcott, A. M., & Joseph, D. L. Measurement equivalence in ethnic harassment across minority and majority groups.
  • Feitosa, J., Burke, C. S., & Salas, E. Exploring Cultural Diversity in Space Exploration: The Role of Context.
  • Feitosa, J., Burke, C. S., & Salas, E. Relative Importance of Teamwork Features: A Meta-Analytic Path Analysis.
  • Glerum, D. R., & Joseph, D. The Indifference Disease: a Theory of Collective Apathy in Organizations.
  • Glerum, D. R., Joseph, D., & Newman, D. A. The Curvilinear Relationship between Self-Reported Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance.
  • Gregory, M. E., Sonesh, S., Hughes, A. M., Cooper, T., Lacerenza, C. N., Marlow, S. L., & Salas, E. (2015, April). When lives depend on it: Stressors and medication error. 
  • Grossman, R., Thayer, A., Salas, E. How do teams become cohesive? A meta-analysis of cohesion’s antecedents.
  • Lacerenza, C. N., Marlow, S. L., Guler, C. , Feitosa, J., Burke, C. S., & Salas, E. Predictive power of cognition: A meta-analytic structural equation model.
  • Marlow, S. L., Coultas, C., Lacerenza, C. N., Sonesh, S., & Salas, E. Insights into coaching: Identifying contributors to effectiveness.
  • Marlow, S. L., Lacerenza, C. N., Petruzzelli, A., & Salas, E. The effect of virtuality on team communication: A meta-analysis.
  • McHugh, B.C. & Joseph, D.L. Weight Discrimination via SNS: Perceptions of Overweight Applicants’ Facebook Profiles. 
  • McHugh, B.C. & Joseph, D.L. Media Richness and Attraction: Personality Affects Attraction to Virtual Jobs
  • Mihm, D (2014) Safety, ethics, and moral potency: Leader influence on subordinate voice.
  • Reeves, M., Fritzsche, B. A., Dhanani, L. Y., & Marcus, J. A survivor’s guide to age discrimination.
  • Wang, W., Kluth, T. A., Newman, D. A., & Neuman, E. Impact of Randomly Missing Data on Social Network Autocorrelation Models.
  • Wiese, C., Coultas, C., Burke, C. S., & Salas, E. Manipulating power distance: Towards an adaptive cultural priming methodology.
  • Wolcott, A.M., Mihm, D.C., & Smith-Jentsch, K.A. Increasing task elaboration during team debriefs using Team Dimensional Training.
  • Young, H.R.Glerum, D.R., Wang, W., Joseph, D. (2015, April). Who Is Most Engaged? A Meta-Analytic Approach. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.


  • Burke, C. S., & Shuffler, M. L. Shared leadership: Building autonomous teams in long duration spaceflight.
  • Glerum, D. R., & Wang, W. Engaged “to a point”: comparing dominance and ideal-point IRT models.
  • Hughes, A.M., Cooper, T., Bisbey, T.M., Savage, N.M., Burke, C.S., Salas, E. Distributed expertise in healthcare: The new frontier for measurement..
  • Koehler, T., Hughes, A.M., & Lacerenza, C.N. (co-chairs). #VirtualTeamDevelopment: Applying the Science.
  • Lacerenza, C. N., Marlow, S., Joseph, D., & Salas, E. Improving virtual team effectiveness through team cognition: A Meta-analysis.
  • LaPalme, L. M., & Wang, W. DIF Detection for Emotional Intelligence Using MCMC GGUM.
  • Williamson, L. R. (Co-chair), LaPalme, L. M. (Co-chair), Carter, T. N. (Chair), & Wang, W. (Chair) Adventures in Unfolding Measurement Modeling: Applications to Important Work-Related Constructs.
  • Smith-Jentsch, K.A. Shared leadership: Building autonomous teams in long duration spaceflight.
  • Sonesh, S.C., Hughes, A.M., Gregory, M.E., Benishek, L.E., Lacerenza, C.N., Marlow, S., Joseph, D.L., Salas, E. Elements of Training Design and Training Implementation: Implications for Team Training Effectiveness

Panel Discussions

  • Burke, C. S. In W. B. Vessey (Chair), Emerging Issues in the Study of Spaceflight  Teams.
  • Salas, E. (Panelist). In H.W. Goldstein (Chair), Consulting in High Stakes Scenarios: Lessons Learned.