The IC CAE has compiled a list of external scholarships, fellowships, internships and study abroad opportunities offered by various governmental and non-governmental institutions. From the dropdown menus below, choose your academic level and then which type of opportunity you would like to view. (This tool encompasses all government agencies and some non-governmental resources)

Agencies in the IC have compiled information about internships, careers, and more on a single website. Use the job exploration tool to find out which fields are most suited to your skill set and interests and explore the opportunities the IC has to offer. (This website is currently limited to certain government agencies)


One of the best ways to get a feel for the intelligence community is to read what they read! The Intelligence Community often puts out reading lists for current and prospective members consisting of modern and historical texts on intelligence, war, and diplomacy. This includes academic, biographical, and autobiographical works, as well as relevant and accurate fiction that pulls from actual IC consultants.

DIA Reading List