The Methods & Practice track requires that students complete 3 credit hours of a High-Impact Learning experience. High-Impact Learning courses include high-impact courses, study abroad programs, anthropological field schools and internships, Honors Undergraduate Thesis (HUT), or directed research. Students in the General track are not required to complete a high-impact experience.

High-Impact Courses

The Department of Anthropology offers a high-impact course focusing on career and professional development applying Anthropology.

  • ANT 4861 Beyond the Anthropology Major: Careers Applying Anthropology offered online during spring terms. This course is designated as an Integrative-Learning Experience (IE) course. Integrative-Learning Experience (IE) courses offer students a chance to explore integrative pathways that connect the core knowledge and skills of their major to real-world professional and civic contexts. This course focuses on applying skills and experiences from the Anthropology BA curriculum to the job market or graduate school.

Study Abroad and Field Schools

The Department of Anthropology offers several Study Abroad and field school opportunities with UCF faculty including:

  • Archaeology in the Caribbean with Dr. Peter Sinelli during the Summer A semester. Students learn archaeological methods while excavating in the Turks & Caicos.
  • Archaeology in Turkey with Dr. Scott Branting during the Summer C semester. Students apply geospatial and geophysical methods at the archaeological site of Kerkenes.
  • Bioarchaeology in Croatia with Dr. J. Marla Toyne during the Summer A semester. Students get hands-on experience in osteological methods to investigate demography, health, and disease in the past and present.

Please visit our website or UCF’s Study Abroad for information on these programs and to view other Study Abroad opportunities.

It is also common for students to complete a study abroad or field school at another US-based institution.  Students that wish to participate in anthropology-based field schools at another institution should communicate with the Anthropology Undergraduate Coordinator to determine whether a student can be provided UCF credit for the program. If approved, students can only apply 3 credit hours of the field school or study abroad towards the Anthropology major requirements.

To receive credit towards the Anthropology degree requirements, field schools or study abroad programs must meet the following criteria:

  • The field school or study abroad must be conducted through an accredited institution in higher education.
  • Course credits from the field school or study abroad must be upper level and be appropriately titled.  This can vary between institutions and will be reviewed by the Anthropology Undergraduate Coordinator.
  • An official transcript from the institution must be requested by the student and sent to UCF.
  • If you have already completed a field school or study abroad and would like to request UCF credit for it, you must upload official transcripts, a syllabus, and a link to the program. Students will submit all information to the COS Course Evaluation portal for consideration:

Students that wish to participate in a field school at an international institution should communicate their intentions to the Anthropology Undergraduate Coordinator as early as possible.  Many international field schools do not result in an official transcripts with courses and credit hours that can be transferred to UCF.  Students are advised to consider an international field school a great opportunity for learning and experience but not depend on credit transferring to UCF.

Transient student applications should be completed online at Florida Virtual Campus for field schools conducted by public institutions within the state of Florida.  Students wishing to attend a field school at a non-public Florida institution or an institution outside the state of Florida will need to complete a Transient Student Approval form located on the Registrar’s Office website.


The Department of Anthropology offers several different internships with UCF faculty including:

  • Archaeological internship at Cape Canaveral, FL: The Cape Canaveral Archaeological Mitigation Project (CCAMP) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station is a multi-year collaboration between the US Air Force and UCF Anthropology to conduct intensive archaeological research and documentation of sites threatened by sea level rise from climate change. Students enroll during the spring semester to conduct archaeological investigations out at the Cape. Students apply through Handshake in October for the following Spring semester.
  • Global Health Internship: International Medical Outreach (IMO) and the UCF Department of Anthropology invite students who are interested in medical anthropology and global health issues, want to experience health care provision in an international and team setting, and would like to contribute to health and nutrition improvements.
  • Editorial Assistant internship: Dr. Beatriz Reyes-Foster, the Reviews Editor of the Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, offers an editorial intern to assist with the management of book and other media reviews. Students apply through Handshake on an as-needed basis.

Internships outside of the Anthropology Department may be considered for credit with approval from the Undergraduate Coordinator. Students can search through Handshake for anthropology-related internships or find them on their own. Anthropology students have previously completed internships at SALT Outreach Inc., Fleet Farming, the McLarty Treasure Museum, the Orlando Museum of Art, and UCF Global, among many others.

Undergraduate Research

There are many opportunities to get involved with undergraduate research with Anthropology faculty. Visit the ‘Research’ link and Student Research Opportunities on our website or contact individual faculty directly.

Students may work directly with a faculty member or look for undergraduate research opportunities through the Office of Undergraduate Research. Students with a GPA of 3.2 and above may apply to complete an Honors Undergraduate Thesis through the UCF Burnett Honors College. The Honors Undergraduate Thesis (HUT) Program provides juniors and seniors from all disciplines the opportunity to engage in original and independent research as principal investigators. Over the course of two to four semesters, students work closely with a faculty committee to research, write, defend, and publish an original thesis that serves as an honors capstone product of their undergraduate career.

Directed Independent Research (ANT 4912) is available across campus to document and formalize independent research activities for undergraduates. UCF defines Undergraduate Research as an inquiry or investigation conducted by an undergraduate student that makes (or supports the creation of) an original intellectual or creative contribution to the discipline. This course is different from Independent Study because students enrolled in this course are helping to contribute to the scholarly discourse; rather than simply learning about a topic not offered through another course in the department.

Anthropology students wishing to complete an HUT or Directed Research must work with a faculty advisor. It is recommended to make appointments with prospective faculty to discuss these options.

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