This instrumentation’s primary focus is geared toward research.  All the chemistry faculty and their post docs and research students are allowed access to any of the instrumentation listed below.  This instrumentation can also have a limited teaching function for any advanced labs that may have need of it, but the use must be supervised and highly controlled.

Contact the faculty in charge for the instrument first to request training. Once trained, the faculty in charge will create an account for you so you can make a reservation for instrument use using the following link.

Equipment Reservation System


Image of Tecan Instrumentation

Tecan Absorbance and Fluorescence Plate Reader

Image of Tecan Instrumentation

Jasco 6600 MIR and FIR FT-IR with ATR

Image of Tecan Instrumentation

Agilent 1260 Infinity Series LC with 6820 TOF Mass Spectrometer