Become a Fulbright Scholar

fulbrightThe Office of Prestigious Awards (OPA) within the Burnett Honors College will be hosting multiple information sessions in April regarding the esteemed Fulbright U.S. Student Program.

The Fulbright Program funds students to live abroad for an academic year to either conduct research, pursue graduate study, or teach English. It operates in over 135 countries and is available to students of all disciplines.

During their grants, Fulbrighters meet, work, live with, and learn from the people of their host country, sharing daily experiences while engaging in the community.

The basic eligibility for this scholarship includes:

  • Rising seniors, graduate students or recent graduates
  • U.S. Citizen

OPA will be hosting information sessions about this program on the following dates:

  • Friday, April 8 (Application Process)
  • Thursday, April 14 (General Overview)
  • Thursday, April 21 (Application Process)

All sessions are held from 12–1 p.m in Burnett Honors College, room 130, and lunch is provided. Honors students can sign up for any of these sessions via Non-Honors students can RSVP for any session by emailing

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