Political Science Faculty Receive Undergraduate Teaching Award

On Founder’s Day, April 2nd, 2014, two of our faculty members were honored with awards in Undergraduate Teaching by the College of Sciences. We would like to congratulate them, and we are proud to have them as part of the department.


LanierDr. Drew Lanier, Associate Professor: Dr. Lanier’s teaching focuses on American political institutions, particularly the courts and the presidency. As well as regularly teaching research methods.  Each of his courses are rigorous, requiring much work from instructor and students alike. Outside the classroom Dr. Lanier serves as one of the department’s Pre-Law advisers. He has been recognized for undergraduate teaching by the college before: 2010, 2006, and 2001.





Dr. Thomas Dolan, Assistant Professor: Dr. Dolan teaches courses on international relations, war, terrorism, foreign policy, and has directed several HIM theses.  A believer in cura personalis, he tries to both teach the subject of his course while also improving students’ ability to think and write social science, regardless of their abilities when they enter his classroom.  Through efforts like the International Relations Career Workshop, he tries to make sure that they use their time in college wisely, so that they will be able to gain the knowledge, skills, and experience they need to pursue their interests after college.


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