Spring 2016 IC CAE Study Abroad Scholarship

2016 IC CAE scholarship pic - 2The Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence (IC CAE) is offering a study abroad scholarship for spring semester 2016. The IC CAE’s main goal is to prepare students, by enhancing critical skills and knowledge deemed essential by the intelligence community, for careers in national security and intelligence.

The Intelligence and National Security Scholarship is a competitive scholarship that will award up to $3,000 for undergraduate students and up to $8,000 for graduate students. The scholarship is awarded to students interested in careers in intelligence and national security. The undergraduate scholarship in conjunction with an approved study-abroad or intensive-language program. For the graduate scholarship, the funding is intended for field work pertaining to the student’s graduate thesis or dissertation.

The scholarship allows students to expand their worldview and gain a diverse international perspective in their studies. This scholarship is open to many courses of study, as long as the course work reflects material that would be beneficial to a future in intelligence and national security.

Spring 2016 scholarship applications are due NOVERMBER 6.

To read more about this scholarship, click here

Email the completed application and required documents to ICCAE@ucf.edu.

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