Debbie Dunn, Ph.D., graduated with a chemistry degree from UCF in 1972, back when UCF was still known as Florida Technological University (FTU). Graduation is always a momentous occasion, but Dunn’s held even more importance than a simple first step in her career. When she walked up to receive her diploma, she started on the […]
In just a few weeks, Rodney Ulysse is heading to the Florida State University (FSU) College of Law. He will be the only University of Central Florida (UCF) senior and first-year FSU law student in his class. The UCF Political Science major was admitted through FSU’s highly competitive 3+3 program. It provides qualifying students from […]
The Florida Museum of Natural History transformed into a beacon of scientific exploration for fifteen students, from April 17 to 19th, made possible through FSU’s Institute for Digital Information and Scientific Communication award funded by a National Science Foundation grant. All fifteen participating undergraduate students, of which six residing at UCF, embarked on a two-day […]
Story by Nicholson News UCF’s speech and debate teams faced stiff competition against 12 other schools in the Florida Intercollegiate Forensics Association (FIFA) state championship. The February tournament was held at Tallahassee Community College, in Tallahassee, Fla. FIFA is the governing body of college speech and debate in the state of Florida. The UCF debate […]
Anthropology graduate student, Patrisha Meyers, is the director of the Brevard Museum of History and Natural Science and the Florida Historical Society Archaeological Institute. Meyers has overseen the improvements and expansion of the exhibit “People of Windover” or the Windover refresh. The Windover Archaeological Site, the most significant burial complex in North America, is a charnel pond […]
Just a shot down I-95, Tostitos Bowl-winning quarterback, Blake Bortles, now has a place to call home with the Jacksonville Jaguars. The 6’5”, 230 lbs Bortles has the frame to hold the weight of being third overall selection in the 2014 NFL Draft. Hailing from the University of Central Florida, and the Nicholson School of […]
University of Central Florida alumna Mary Anderson, Ph.D., ’94 ’96 liked being in college so much that she decided to teach at one. The Department of Political Science graduate received both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in political science from UCF. She initially chose to attend because of the campus. “UCF’s campus was filled with […]
For decades, frustrated parents and teachers have barked at fidgety children with ADHD to “Sit still and concentrate!” But new research conducted at UCF shows that if you want ADHD kids to learn, you have to let them squirm. The foot-tapping, leg-swinging and chair-scooting movements of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder are actually vital to how […]
We are thrilled to congratulate UCF Professor of Statistics, Mark Johnson on receiving the 2014 Shin Research Excellence Award! The joint research program under the aegis of The Geneva Association and the International Insurance Society was established to promote practically oriented, applied research in insurance, addressing subjects which directly influence business operations. Each year research […]