In 2014, UCF was selected to receive a grant from the Defense Intelligence Agency to start an Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence (IC CAE). It is an incredible opportunity for students, and there are many ways students can directly benefit from it. The intelligence community started developing CAE programs to enhance educational opportunities for students to better prepare a diverse field of candidates for possible careers in intelligence and national security. In 2019 the UCF IC CAE was renewed under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) to continue developing its program.
The IC CAE now offers an undergraduate minor and certificates at both graduate and undergraduate levels; all titled “Intelligence and National Security.” The Center is also funding the development of new classes to expand our existing roster of intelligence and national security courses. There are various travel opportunities for students, including workshops in Washington, DC and scholarships for study abroad programs and language-immersion programs.
We also host many opportunities to hear from and interact with experts in the intelligence community via the IC CAE Speaker Series and sponsored workshops & simulations. The IC CAE conducts several such events throughout the year. Our speakers are experts in intelligence and national security, and they are often active members and specialists within the IC. Presentations can range from basic practices & hiring in the intelligence community to area-specific topics and specialized fields like domestic terror and cyber conflict.
The IC CAE offers students course work directly relevant to intelligence, opportunities to get to know much more about the intelligence community, leads on advanced training, language, study abroad opportunities, and much more. Students who participate with the IC CAE are more competitive when pursuing a career in intelligence or national security.