Honors Plant Ecology

Honors Plant Ecology (PCB 3930H)

Course Information
  • Time: Tuesdays (9:00-10:50) & Thursdays (9:00-11:50)
  • Room: Bio 206
  • Instructor: Pedro Quintana-Ascencio
  • TA: Haoyu Li
  • Collaborators: Carlos Ivan Espinosa and Federico Lopez Borghesi

This course concentrates on the interactions between plants and their environments over different scales. We will review plant patterns and function in nature. We will evaluate the rich theoretical basis of plant ecology and benefit from regional natural history knowledge. This course has a large field component and students will participate in vegetation sampling, field observations and field and greenhouse experiments. Students are expected to develop short individual research projects on plant-animal interactions and biomes.

Syllabus 2017

Session Topic Readings
I Introduction to Plant Ecology Textbook – Chapter 1
II Photosynthesis, Light Environment, and Energy balance Chapter 2

Kramer 1981

III Soils, Minerals and Water Balance  Chapters 3 AND 4

Veenendaal et al. 1996

IV Population structure, growth, and decline  Chapter 5

Sarukhan and Harper 1973 

Tye et al. 2016

IV Extra Material for Demography Lab  Demography presentation

Chaos code

Bifurcation diagram

EXAM Exam 1
V Plant Reproduction and Dispersal  Chapter 7

Brown and Venable 1985

Thompson et al. 2014

VI Community Properties  Chapter 9

Gleason 1926

Lortie et al. 2004

VII Interactions  Chapter 10

Maarel 1996

Nicolson and Wright 2017

Interactions 2 Chapter 11
VIII Disturbances Chapter 12

Moreno-Mateos et al. 2016

IX Biodiversity, Invasions and Rarity Chapter 13

Gurevitch and Padilla 2004

Münzbergová 2005

X Climate and Physiognomy Chapter 17

***No journal readings this week ****

XI Biomes Chapter 18

***No journals readings this week ****

XII Global change Travis et al. 2013

Dukes and Mooney 1999

Vitousek 1994


Exam 2