Dave and colleagues (Leo Ohyama, Juan Bogota-Gregory) have a new paper out in Frontiers of Biogeography, entitled “Peak beta diversity occurs at regional spatial grains.” This work indicates ecological communities Continue Reading →

Hannah successfully defended her Ph.D dissertation June 25! She got final edits submitted and is now Dr. Bevan. She starts as faculty at Eastern Florida State College in August. Congratulations Continue Reading →

Jacob and colleagues (Alessandra Pandolfi from UCF Biology, Theressa Jones from Seminole County Mosquito Control, and Dave) have a paper accepted in Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association entitled Continue Reading →

Jacob submitted a manuscript entitled “Ground-based pyrethroid adulticides reduce mosquitoes but not nontarget insects in Central Florida” to J. American Mosquito Control Assoc. Co-authors include Alessandra Pandolfi (UCF), Theressa Jones Continue Reading →

Dave and colleagues have a paper accepted: Ohyama, L, Bogota-Gregory, JD, DG Jenkins. Peak beta diversity occurs at regional spatial grains. Frontiers of Biogeography.

Congratulations to Hannah for winning the Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching for both the College of Sciences and the University! The award recognizes her “teaching ability and exceptional academic contribution.”

Two papers were recently accepted: Juan David Bogota-Gregory, David G. Jenkins, Astrid Acosta-Santos, Edwin Agudelo Córdoba. Fish diversity of Colombian Andes-Amazon streams at the end of conflict is a reference Continue Reading →

Ian [very] successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Responses of a Pine Flatwoods Specialist Treefrog to Prescribed Fire” – great work and vital information for prescribed fire management. Way to Go, Continue Reading →