- Chemistry Education
- Forensic Science Education
Research in the Legron-Rodriguez group investigates student learning in chemistry and forensic science. Current projects involve student perceptions of learning environments, student identity, sense of belonging, and Universal Design for Learning.
Research Areas
Dr. Tamra Legron-Rodriguez is the Undergraduate Coordinator for Forensic Science. In this role she is responsible for program assessment, and promoting the development and revision of undergraduate courses within the Chemistry Department. Her research focuses on the evaluation of pedagogical reforms in the classroom and laboratory to promote critical thinking and effective study habits in chemistry and forensics as well as integrative learning experiences to develop students’ professional identity.
- Legron-Rodriguez, Tamra. “Chapter 13: Generative Learning Strategies and Pre-lecture Assignments in a Flipped Chemistry Classroom.” Teaching Chemistry with Forensic Science. ACS Publication, 2019, 233-241.
- Scanlon, E; Legron-Rodriguez, Tamra; Schreffler, J; Ibadlit, E; Vasquez, E; Chini, J. J. “Postsecondary chemistry curricula and universal design for learning: Planning for variations in learners’ abilities, needs, and interests”. Chemistry Education Research and Practice. 19 (2018) 1216-1239.
- Saitta, E. K.; Legron-Rodriguez, Tamra; Bowdon, M. A. “An inquiry into the water around us”. Science. 341 (2013) 971-972.
- Albo, R. L. F.; Legron, Tamra; Geiger, C. L.; Clausen, C. A. “Development of a remediation technology for energetic compounds (TNT, RDX, nitrocellulose, and TATP). Proceedings of 7th International Battelle Conference: Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds. Monterrey, CA. May 24th-27th, 2010
- Albo, R. L.F.; Legron, Tamra; Gittings, M.; Elie, M. R.; Holland Saitta, E.; Sigman, M. E.; Geiger, C. L.; Clausen, C. A. Degradation of triacetone triperoxide using mechanically alloyed Mg/Pd. Propellants,
Explosives, Pyrotechnics. 35 (2) (2009) 100-104.
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