Undergraduate Teaching and Learning Assistants in the Chemistry Department are students who have excelled in their Chemistry classes and are interested in helping other students learn.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistants (UTAs) primarily assist with course logistics (e.g. proctoring, grading). UTAs can support active learning in class if they have completed, or are actively enrolled in, CHM4942: Instructional Experiences for Undergraduate Chemistry.

Learning Assistants (LAs) provide support to students in courses that involve active learning (e.g. problem-solving sessions, flipped classroom, team-based learning, problem-based learning, etc.). All LAs are required to complete, or be actively enrolled in, CHM4942: Instructional Experiences for Undergraduate Chemistry.


Applications / Deadlines

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant applications are open on a rolling basis. Hiring for Summer 2025 will begin April 14 and for Fall 2025 will begin June 2.

Learning Assistant applications are submitted through the Learning Assistant Alliance website. Create an account at: Learning Assistant Alliance now to receive updates when applications open.


Contact UTA / LA Coordinators