Nicholas Grandchamps, an Honors in the Major student with a double major in Legal Studies and Political Science at UCF, has been awarded a prestigious Rangel Fellowship through the Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Program. Nicholas was one of thirty applicants selected in the nation for this award for which he will receive up to […]
“Spies and Policymakers: Intelligence in the Information Age” is an analytical article written by Marcos Degaut, a PhD student in Security Studies. The article was recently published by Intelligence and National Security Journal. Mr. Degaut argues that massive changes and continuous developments in the uses and applications of technology and communications, part of the process known as Information […]
They inspire us. Many are legends. They create art. They create beauty. Most importantly, they create change. Dr. Peter Jacques, associate professor in the political science department at the University of Central Florida, is featured in this month’s edition of Origin Magazine as one of the Top 100 Creatives. Jacques teaches environmental politics of various brands – global, […]
This year, the Distinguished Speaker Series was held off campus for the first time. At the mouthwatering Tex-Mex cuisine restaurant, Cocina 214, guests crowded in for each guest speaker. Topics ranged from the Mayan collapse to managing conflicts in relationships. Drawing a crowd each time, each speaker was an expert in their field, bringing their […]
Todd Scholl, ’97, says his political science degree from UCF has been valuable to his career working in investment banking and corporate finance and dealing with nationalized companies outside of the U.S. “Having an understanding of international government’s processes and policies allowed me to speak the same language and appreciate some of the challenges they […]
Recently, two undergraduate students from the College of Sciences received UCF’s highest student honor. The Order of Pegasus recognizes exemplary performance by undergraduate students in the areas of academic achievement, outstanding university involvement, leadership and community service. Because of the breadth of accomplishments required for this award, the Order of Pegasus is the most prestigious […]
The 2015 Florida International Summit, co-hosted by UCF and FSU, focused on “Opportunities and Challenges for Human Society and Development,” and was attended by students, faculty, practitioners and community members. The summit is the annual, signature event supported by the Florida Network for Global Studies (FNGS). Through established global studies programs at various Florida universities, […]
Colonel David J. Martinson, ’92, was commissioned in the Air Force after graduating with his B.A. in political science and history from UCF in 1992. Twenty-three years later, Colonel Martinson has been honored with many medals, awards, and degrees. His current responsibilities are as the Air Force’s senior space and cyberspace intelligence officer at the […]
Earning his Bachelor’s degrees in Economics and Political Science from Stanford, his J.D. from NYU Law School and a Ph.D. from the University of Georgia, Dr. Barry Edwards joined the department this past fall. Currently teaching Constitutional Law, Scope and Methods of Political Science, and Judicial Process and Politics, Dr. Edwards has made a comfortable adjustment to […]
On Feb. 5, the University of Central Florida College of Sciences and its alumni chapter hosted the inaugural Outstanding AlumKnights award reception at the Orlando Science Center. COS Dean, Dr. Michael Johnson welcomed the crowd, and faculty representatives from each of the college’s 10 departments and school presented the awards to their respective recipients. The […]
On February 4th, UCF’s Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence (IC CAE) hosted the first installment of its speaker series, “A Look at Intelligence Agencies”, and approximately 130 students were in attendance. Four members of the intelligence community were invited to speak about their experiences. The four agencies represented were the Defense Intelligence Agency, the […]
Theresa McDowell, ’03, says her political science degree from UCF gave her a strong foundation for law school and for being an attorney. Now, as a senior associate attorney at DHN Attorneys law firm in Orlando, she represents many Homeowners Associations and she enjoys helping them build strong communities. “Being a real estate attorney allows […]
Three law schools will be available to meet one-on-one with UCF Pre-Law students in the Office of Pre-Health and Pre-Law Advising in Ferrell Commons 203. They want to meet with students at all levels – Freshman through Seniors. Students must sign-up in advance to meet with the law school representatives. The details of each law […]
We are pleased to announce the first installment of the speaker series hosted by UCF’s new Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence. We invite students to join us Wednesday, February 4th at 12:30 to 4:00 pm in the Key West Ballroom to hear speakers from four different intelligence agencies who will be talking about their role […]
Over $85,000 in scholarships are available to College of Sciences students! Don’t miss the opportunity to apply, as the deadline for application is fast approaching. Unless otherwise noted, students must apply for the scholarship by Feb. 1, 2015. Funds will be distributed during the 2015-2016 school year. If you are applying, you must be actively […]
Teresa Lamar-Sarno, ’00, ’03, runs the redevelopment department for the City of Stuart, Florida. Her most recent accomplishment as Community Redevelopment Agency Administrator is the award winning road redesign she directed. The Colorado Avenue Business District Improvement was a 1.2 million dollar project that revitalized a rundown commercial corridor to a revitalized urban area in […]
In mid-November, Amy Crawford, a Political Science & English dual degree (class of 2015), and Rachel Wilder, an International and Global Studies & Economics double major (class of 2018), represented UCF at the 66th Student Conference on U.S. Affairs (SCUSA) hosted by the United States Military Academy at West Point. Each year, the Burnett Honors […]
The India Center welcomed New York Times bestselling Vivek J. Tiwary to UCF this September to speak about ethnic barriers in the arts and entertainment. The India Center congratulates Tiwary on his recent accomplishments, including being chosen as a special guest of honor at Comic Con India and recognition from the Library of Congress at […]
Ben Freeman, ’05, continues to benefit from his master’s degree in political science from UCF. Dr. Freeman explained the knowledge he gained at UCF was immensely valuable as he worked toward his Ph.D at Texas A&M University, and continues to help him in his current political work. While earning his Ph.D. in political science from […]
By: Dr. M. C. Santana, Director of Women’s Studies, UCF’s College of Arts and Humanities. I was privileged to give the keynote address at the Media, Youth and Values Conference at Holy Cross College, Tiruchirappalli, India on Nov. 27-28, 2014. Ceremony and protocol are imperative in India in events such as this one. The formality […]
Political science student Nicklas Bajema is bringing a movement to campus that he hopes will change stereotypes. It all started with a stroll through UCF and overhearing a conversation stereotyping a group of people. “I was walking down Memory Mall and I kept hearing a group of young guys,” Bajema said. “They were talking about […]
New faculty member, Dr. Demet Mousseau, has found her way to the University of Central Florida as an Assistant Professor in the Political Science Department. Intrigued in political and economic issues since high school, Dr. Mousseau always knew she had an interest for political science at a young age. “If I didn’t become a political […]
A new website that permits Floridians to monitor the condition of Florida’s civic health launched at the end of October as a result of a partnership among the University of Central Florida’s Lou Frey Institute, the Bob Graham Center at the University of Florida and the National Conference on Citizenship in Washington. Since 2008, the Institute has been working to […]
When there’s over 600 registered student organizations at UCF that are all unique in their own way, how do you make your own organization stand out from the rest? One way the UCF International Relations Club (IRC) addresses the issue is by hosting innovative social events such as “International Relations 2013 edition Monopoly,” cultural film […]
Kerri Milita, ’06, ’09, graduated with her bachelor’s degree in Political Science and then pursued her M.A. at UCF. Upon graduation from UCF in May 2009, she began working on her Ph.D. in Political Science at Florida State University. In November 2013, Kerri accepted a tenure-track position as an assistant professor at Illinois State University […]
Political science major Alice Neira recently was chosen as one of three students in the state to receive the Student Excellence in Service Award presented by Florida Campus Compact. The award recognizes students for outstanding service to communities through service-learning and volunteerism. Neira is pursuing her bachelor’s degree while earning a minor in education and a certification […]
Cynthia Florentino graduated from UCF with a political science degree after dedicating the majority of her time to professional development and extracurricular involvement. Florentino served in a cabinet position for the UCF Student Government Association and enrolled in a federal college program, where she became chair of the President’s Leadership Council her senior year. She […]
What do “lawyers”, “guns”, “money”, and a new UCF professor have in common? We’re not entirely sure but when asked what song he would choose to represent his life, Dr. Jonathan Powell elected the late 70’s hit “Lawyers, Guns and Money” by Warren Zevon. This song selection sparks interest as new UCF faculty member Dr. […]
Pi Sigma Alpha is all about rebuilding and rebranding this year. In order to accomplish this, new PSA president, Aissa Dorange, is determined to bring in a new look and feel to the club. “PSA has not been a very active club in the past few semesters, so as the new president, I plan on […]
The University of Central Florida has been awarded a $1.85 million grant to establish a center focused on intelligence and national security within the department of political science. The center will help prepare the workforce for the intelligence community of the future. UCF will become one of only a handful of universities nationwide to house […]