Introducing Our New COS Ph.D. Graduates

May 8, 2015 the College of Sciences celebrated 17 new Ph.D’s at a special graduation reception. The event was held in the afternoon in the Physical Sciences building. Student’s family members and faculty advisers were in attendance. Associate Dean Teresa Dorman hosted a presentation that individually recognized each graduate with their faculty adviser and read a brief description of their dissertation research. A champagne toast followed the presentation to cheer the continued success of these graduates.

The graduates come from a variety of departments within the College of Sciences.

Congratulations to our Spring 2015 Ph.D. Graduates!


Dissertation:  “Forensic Application of Chemometric Analysis to Visible Absorption Spectra Collected from Dyed Textile Fibers”

  • Ebrahim Ghazvini Zadeh, Ph.D.
    Faculty Adviser: Kevin Belfield, Ph.D.

Dissertation: “Investigating New Guaiazulenes (gwhy-) and Diketo-pyrrolo-pyrroles (dye-key-to-pie-rolo-pie-rolls) for Photonic Applications.”

  • Grace Githaiga, Ph.D.
    Faculty Adviser: Kevin Belfield, Ph.D.

Dissertation:  “Synthesis of Fluorene based Derivatives, Characterization of Optical Properties and their Applications in Two-Photon Fluorescence Imaging and Photocatalysis”

  • Bosung Kim, Ph.D.
    Faculty Adviser:  Kevin Belfield, Ph.D.

Dissertation:  “Photophysics of Organic Probes and their Applications in Bioimaging and Photodynamic Therapy”

Dissertation: “Mass Spectral Studies to Investigate Fragmentation Pathways of Butylbenzene and Pyrolysis Products.”

  • Simon Tang, Ph.D.
    Faculty Adviser:  Kevin Belfield, Ph.D.

Dissertation:  “Synthesis and Characterization of New Probes for Use in Fluorescence and X-Ray CT Bioimaging.”


Dissertation: “Integral Representations of Positive Linear Functionals.”


Dissertation:  “Parallel Fabrication and Transport Properties of Carbon Nanotube Single Electron Transistor”

Dissertation:  “Density-Functional Theory and Dynamical Mean-Field Theory Study of the Magnetic Properties of Transition-Metal Nanostructures.”

Dissertation:  “Theoretical Study of Laser Beam Quality and Pulse Shaping in Schemes with Volume Bragg Gratings.”

Dissertation:  “Nanoelectronic Devices using Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Electrodes: Fabrication and Electronic Transport Investigations.”

Dissertation: “Gold Black and Its Application to Un-Cooled Infrared Detector Arrays.”

Dissertation:  “Electronic Transport Properties of Carbon Nanotubes: The Impact of Atomic Charged Impurities.”


Dissertation:  “Tailoring Instruction to the Individual: Investigating the Utility of Trainee Aptitudes for use in Adaptive Training”

Dissertation:  “Temperament, Emotion Regulation, and Distress Tolerance as Related Correlates of Psychological Systems.”


Dissertation:  “Collegiate Concerted Cultivation: The Influence of Class and Family on Higher Education.”

Dissertation:  “Women on the Line: A Qualitative Study of Women’s Experience of Work in the Meat Industry”

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