Fall 2015

Rachael Kangas

Advisor: Dr. Arlen Chase and Dr. Diane Chase
Title of Thesis: Evaluation of an Early Classic Round Structure at Santa Rita Corozal, Belize
Download: Kangas_R

Cheryl Foster

Advisor: Dr. Arlen Chase
Title of Thesis: Garden Soils: Reviewing the Viability of Soil Phosphate Analyses in the Archaeological Identification of Ancient Maya Kitchen Gardens
Download: Foster_C

Max Seidita

Advisor: Dr. Arlen Chase and Dr. Diane Chase
Title of Thesis: Chetumal’s Dragonglass: Postclassic Obsidian Production and Exchange at Santa Rita Corozal, Belize
Download: Seidita_M

William Boynton

Advisor: Dr. Sarah Barber
Title of Thesis: Practical Use of Ground Penetrating Radar: A Survey of Coastal Historic Cemeteries in Florida
Download: Boynton_W

Mikayla Overholtzer

Advisor: Dr. John Schultz
Title of Thesis: Diagenetic Changes in Long Bones in Central Florida: A Preliminary Macro- and Microscopic Comparison of Sun and Shade Microenvironments
Download: Overholtzer_M

Summer 2015

Kaitlin East

Advisor: Dr. Tosha Dupras
Title of Thesis: Exploring Social Identity Through Stable Isotope Analysis in the Kellis 2 Cemetery
Download: East_K

Wesley Garrett

Advisor: Dr. J. Marla Toyne
Title of Thesis: Community Identify and the Archaeological Complex of Tucume, Peru: A Synthesis of Cranial and Dental Nonmetric Variation
Download: Garrett_W

Ashley Green

Advisor: Dr. John Schultz
Title of Thesis: An Examination of the Progression of Fracture Propagation in Long Bones During the Post-Mortem Period in Central Florida
Download: Green_A

Victoria Menchaca

Advisor: Dr. Sarah Barber
Title of Thesis: Settlement History and Interaction in the Manialtepec Basic of Oaxaca’s Central Coast
Download: Menchaca_V

Kaylee Schotten

Advisor: Dr. Tosha Dupras
Title of Thesis: The Crypt People from the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Stanislaus and Vladislaus, Vilnius, Lithuania: Reconstruction of Life Histories using Stable Isotope Analysis
Download: Schotten_K

Spring 2015

Elimarie Garcia-Cosme

Advisor: Dr. John Walker
Title of Thesis: Spatial Patterns of Raised Fields and Linguistic Diversity in Mojos, Beni, Bolivia
Download: Garcia-Cosme_E

Ariana Gugora

Advisor: Dr. Tosha Dupras
Title of Thesis: Childhood Diet and Mobility at Medieval (1240s AD) Solt-Tetelhegy, Hungary as Reconstructed from Stable Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen Isotope Analysis
Download: Gugora_A

Carlo Lucido

Advisor: Dr. Sarah Barber
Title of Thesis: Regional Affiliation in the Lower Rio-Verde: An Examination of Rio Viejo Middens as Evidence for Scaled-Up Practice at Surrounding Sites
Download: Lucido_C

Hugo Puerto

Advisor: Dr. Beatriz Reyes-Foster and Dr. Joanna Mishtal
Title of Thesis:  “What We Eat Matters”: Perspectives on Food and Health in the Mexican Im/Migrant Farmworker Communities in Indian River County, Florida
Download: Puerto_H

Anthony Tricarico

Advisor: Dr. Sarah Barber
Title of Thesis: Urban Agriculture within the Valley of Oaxaca: Investigations and Implications of Agricultural Terracing at Monte Alban, Oaxaca
Download: Tricarico_A