- A paper by Pedro and colleagues has been accepted in Plant Ecology!
Monthly Archives: February 2017
- Bravely went on a trip to Archbold Biological Station with our 2017 Honors Plant Ecology class!
- Pedro and colleagues have a paper in press at J. Applied Ecology.
- Pedro and colleagues have a paper in J. Ecology.
- Pedro and colleagues have a paper in Oikos
- Dr. Lina Maria Sanchez Clavijo graduated in November with her PhD. Her dissertation is entitled:Habitat selection in transformed landscapes and the role of novel ecosystems for native species persistence.
- Karlie Carman and Dave have a paper in Biological Conservation.
- Dave and Simon Pierce have a paper in J. Ecology about general NPP scaling.
- Dave and Nate presented research at IBS in Tucson, January 2017.