Sun Qiyu (孙颀彧)
E-mail Address: qiyu.sun@ucf.edu
Mailing Address:
Department of Mathematics
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816, USA
Phone and Fax Numbers:
Phone: US 407-823-4839
Fax: US 407-823-6253
IEEE SPS Webinar: Graph Fourier Transform for Directed Graphs
Date: 28 March 2025
Time: 2:00 PM ET (New York Time)
Presenter(s): Dr. Qiyu Sun
Website Link: Register
MAS5145, Advanced Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory (Fall 2023)
- Seok-Young Chung and Qiyu Sun, Shift-invariant spaces, bandlimited spaces and reproducing kernel spaces with shift-invariant kernels on undirected finite graphs,
Chen, Nader Motee and Qiyu Sun, Carleman-Fourier Linearization of Complex Dynamical Systems: Convergence and Explicit Error Bounds, arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.11598
- Qiquan Fang, Chang Eon Shin and Qiyu Sun, On Sylvester equations in Banach subalgebras, arXiv:2407.09752
- Seok-Young Chung and Qiyu Sun, Barron Space for Graph Convolution Neural Networks, arXiv:2311.02838
- Cong Zheng, Cheng Cheng, and Qiyu Sun, Wiener filters on graphs and distributed polynomial approximation algorithms, arXiv:2205.04019
- Arash Amin, Cong Zheng, Qiyu Sun and Nader Motee, Carlemen linearization of nonlinear systems and its finite-section approximations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2025, pp. 577-603.
- Elie Atallah, Nazanin Rahnavard, and Qiyu Sun, A Code-based Distributed Gradient Descent Scheme for Convex Optimization over Networks, Poincare Journal of Analysis and Applications (Special Issue for the celebration of the 65 birthday for Akram Aldroubi), Accepted, 2024.
- N Emirov, G Song, Q Sun, A Divide-and-Conquer Algorithm for Distributed Optimization on Networks, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2024
- Arash Amini, Hossein K. Mousavi, Qiyu Sun, Nader Motee, Space-Time Sampling for Network Observability, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Volume: 10, Issue: 3, September 2023, 1159 – 1171. doi: 10.1109/TCNS.2022.3223735.
- Cheng Cheng, Yang Chen, Jeonyu Lee and Qiyu Sun, SVD-Based Graph Fourier transforms on directed product graphs, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, vol. 9, pp. 531-541, 2023 (One of the IEEE Signal Processing Society’s top 25 downloaded articles from Sept. 2023 – Sept. 2024 for IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks)
- Peng Li, Wengu Chen and Qiyu Sun, Inertial proximal ADMM for separable multi-block convex optimizations and compressive affine phase retrieval, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 39, pages1459–1496 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10114-023-1401-x
- Yang Chen, Cheng Cheng, Qiyu Sun, Graph Fourier transform based on singular value decomposition of directed Laplacian, Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis, vol. 12, article no. 24, 2023. Publisher Version
- Yang Chen, Cheng Cheng and Qiyu Sun, Phase retrieval of complex and vector-valued functions, Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 283, Issue 7, 1 October 2022, 109593
- Nazar Emirov, Cheng Cheng, Junzheng Jiang, Qiyu Sun, Polynomial graph filter of multiple shifts and distributed implementation of inverse filtering, Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis, 20, Article number: 2 (2022).
- Cheng Cheng, Yingchun Jiang and Qiyu Sun, Spatially distributed sampling and reconstruction, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 47 (2019), 109-148. ArXiv 1511.0841 Poster
- Nader Motee and Qiyu Sun, Sparsity and Spatial Localization Measures for Spatially Distributed Systems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 55 (1)(2017), 200–235. (the 2019 SIAG/CST Best SICON Paper Prize)
- Xin-rong Dai and Qiyu Sun, The abc problem for Gabor systems, Memoirs of American Mathematical Society, volume 244, no. 1152, 2016, pp. 1-109. ( Earlier version in ArXiv.org)
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Research Activities
- Give a talk at Lehigh University, Autonomous and Intelligent Robotics Lab, September 13, 2024.
- Panpan Chen (PhD, 2024) passed the dissertation defense. Her dissertation is “Carleman Linearization for nonlinear systems and their explicit error bounds”. She is co-supervised with Professor Yuanwei Qi. She accepted a post-doctoral position at the University of Central Florida after graduation.
- Give a talk at Workshop on Approximation Theory, Wavelet and Imaging, Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, July 8, 2024.
- Visited Guilin University of Electronic Technology and Xinjiang University, June 2024.
- Visit Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong, and attend the International Conference on Applied Mathematics, May 27-June 1, 2024.
- Give a talk at 2024 Shanks Workshop on Dynamical Sampling, Frame Theory, Harmonic Analysis, and Applications, March 1-3, 2024.
- Give a talk at One World MINDS Seminar, Feb 15, 2024. The recorded video can be found at youtube
- Give talks at Beijing University of Technology, Beijing Normal University, Nankai University and Linyi University, December 2023.
- Given a virtual talk on Distributed algorithms for graph inverse filtering and wiener filtering, graph signal processing at the Workshop on Manifold and Graph-Based Learning
May 16 – 20, 2022, The Fields Institute. Video Record on Youtube - Gave a virtual Faraway Fourier Talk at The Norbert Wiener Center on Harmonic Analysis and Applications, January 4, 2021. Slides Video Record on YouTube
- Join the editorial board of Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications.
- Nazar Emirov (PhD, 2020) passed the dissertation defense. His dissertation is “Distributed algorithms and inverse graph filtering”. He accepted a post-doctoral position at Boston College after graduation.
- Attend the SIAM SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT19) , June 19 – 21, 2019
at Chengdu, China and accept the 2019 SIAG/CST Best SICON Paper Prize for the paper “Sparsity and Spatial Localization Measures for Spatially Distributed Systems,” SICON 55-1 (2017), pp. 200-235, to recognize for making “a fundamental contribution to spatially distributed systems theory, showing in particular that quadratically optimal state feedback controllers for spatially decaying systems are sparse and spatially localized.” The SIAG/CST Best SICON Paper Prize is awarded to the author(s) of the two most outstanding papers, as determined by the prize committee, published in the SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization (SICON) in the three calendar years preceding the award year. - Cheng Cheng (PhD 2017) will be a postdoctoral Associate at Duke University and SAMSI. She is supervised by Xin Li with my co-supervision.
- Syed Alam Abbas (PhD 2017) will be a postdoctoral research at University of New Mexico. He is supervised by Hassan Foroosh with my co-supervision.
- Aritra Dutta (PhD 2016) will be a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Edinburgh, with joint affiliation at the Visual Computing Center in KAUST, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Aritra Dutta is supervised by Xin Li with my co-supervision.
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Academic Services
- Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications (2021–)
- Frontiers in Signal Processing (2021–)
- Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis (2020–)
- Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization (2010–)
- Sampling Theory in Signal and Imaging Processing (2013–2020)
- Advances in Computational Mathematics (2006–2013)
- Special issue on Operator Algebra and Representation: Frames, Wavelets and Fractals (Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Volume 33, No.7—9, 2012)
- Special issue on Wavelet Analysis in PDE and Mathematical Imagery (Applicable Analysis, Vol 90, No. 8, 2011)
- Special issue on Applied Harmonic Analysis: Wavelets and Sampling (Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Vol. 107, no. 1-3, 2009)
- Special issue on Frames (Advances in Computational Mathematics, 2003)
Favorite Links
- Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
- Constructive Approximation
- IEEE Transcations on Image Processing
- IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing
- Journal of Approximation Theory
- Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
- Journal of Functional Analysis
- Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
- The Eighth Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications (December 8-11, 2023)
- The Seventh Hangzhou workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications, December 16-18, 2022.
- The 6th Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications, December 4 and 5, 2021
- The Fifth Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications, December 18-20, 2020.
- The Fourth Hangzhou Workshop on Harmonic Analysis and Applications, December 14-15, 2019
- The third Hangzhou workshop on harmonic analysis, December 15-16, 2018
- Special Session on Infinite Dimension Systems and Wavelets, IWOTA 2018, organized by Marcin Bownik, Xingde Dai and Qiyu Sun
- Workshop on Applied Harmonic Analysis and Sampling Theory (February 2018)
- The second Hangzhou workshop on harmonic analysis and applications at Hangzhou, Zhejiang, December 16 -17, 2017
- Special Session on Applied Harmonic Analysis: Frames, Samplings and Applications, AMS Sectional Meeting at UCF, September 2017
- Workshop on High-Dimensional Data Fitting and Approximation, March 2017
- Conference on Orthogonal Polynomials and q-Series, 2015
- Computational Analysis of Inverse Problems and Partial Differential Equations, 2013
- Banff workshop on Operator Algebra and Representation Theory, October 9-10, 2010
- 32nd SIAM Southeastern-Atlantic Section Conference, 2008
- American Mathematical Society (AMS)
- MathSciNet, American Mathematical Society
- ISI Web of Knowledge
- My Resume 2025
- My Official Website
- Some of my collaborators
- Mathematical Review items
- ISI Web of Knowledge
- Google Scholar
- Papers in ArXiv.org
- ResearchGate
- My Book: 多进制小波分析 (An Introduction to Multiband Wavelets) published by Zhejiang University Press, 2001