A tour aimed at engaging young voters during this election season is coming to UCF today to hold a rally where students can share their opinions on such topics as jobs, education, health care, immigration and voter participation. Politic365 College Convention Bus Tour will visit 11 colleges or universities in Florida and North Carolina and is […]
Amid industry jitters over the potential for huge defense-budget cuts in the months and years ahead, there is at least one area of military technology that may fly above the funding fray: unmanned aerial systems, better known as drones. “With these kinds of systems, the military can send machines into combat and often avoid the […]
Peter J. Jacques, Associate Professor of Political Science, has accepted the role of Managing Executive Editor at the Journal of Environmental Studies and Science (JESS), the flagship journal for the international Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences, published by Springer. JESS sets the standard for rigorous interdisciplinary environmental research and provides a forum for the […]
Michael Gaeta, a 21-year-old student, is about to enter his senior year at the University of Central Florida, where he is majoring in political science. He’s also getting some real-world experience within his major, as a write-in candidate for Brevard County clerk of courts. Gaeta says he hasn’t been campaigning, and hasn’t raised any money. […]
There is a complaint with the Commission on Ethics against state Sen. Gary Siplin over a newsletter he sent in July. The newsletter was created and sent using taxpayer money. The interesting aspect of the issue, according to UCF Political Science Professor Aubrey Jewett, is that the newsletter mentions Siplin’s wife Victoria, who is running […]
UCF Political Science Department Chair Dr. Kerstin Hamann recently presented her research entitled “Analyzing the Dynamics of Union Inclusion under Zapatero” in Madrid, Spain at the International Political Science Association’s conference. Her work is an analysis of the role of Spanish unions in the country’s political economy during the government of Prime Minister Zapatero with a focus on […]
The Student PIRGs’ New Voters Project is hiring 30 campus organizers over the next 3 weeks to work in states like NC, CO, WI, OH, CA, MA, FL, and NM to help register students and make sure they turn out on Election Day. Click here to see the job description. Please help spread the word […]
Individuals with a graduate degree earn about 30% more annually than individuals with a baccalaureate degree alone, according to a recent U.S. Census Bureau study. If you are interested in graduate school, clear your schedule now for Wednesday, September 12, when the University of Central Florida will host its annual Grad Fair. It will be […]
The Republicans have not approached Grayson’s fundraising success. Quiñones, for example, reported $155,000 in donations for the same period, and Melendez’s campaign said he raised $90,000. But in 2010, Grayson lost his seat in Congress despite a huge financial advantage. Aubrey Jewett, an associate professor of political science at UCF, said the Hispanic population, because […]
UCF Political Science Professor Dr. Nikola Mirilovic recently concluded doing presentations in Japan at the Hokkaido University and the Waseda University. The presentations were organized by the Slavic Research Center based at Hokkaido University, and Dr. Mirilovic was invited to present by Professor Kimitaka Matsuzato. Dr. Mirilovic presented “A Preliminary Theory of Contested International Recognition of New States: the Case […]
“Florida’s economy is headed in the right direction,” declared Gov. Rick Scott, citing the creation of 9,000 new jobs in June and signs of revival in the state’s housing market and consumer spending. “As companies are choosing to grow and expand in our state, we are continuing to see Florida experience a positive economic recovery,” Scott […]
Pundits speculate whether President Barack Obama or challenger Mitt Romney will benefit from the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Obama’s Affordable Care Act. But one thing’s for sure: If the court kills all or part of the law, it will raise the national profile of Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi of Tampa. The lawsuit was […]
Political science student Malcolm Phillips has been named a 2012 Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellow by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation. The fellowship is given to undergraduate students who wish to pursue a career as a Foreign Service officer with the U.S. Department of State. It provides financial and academic support for fellows […]
The Journal of Political Science Education has named three new editors – all professors from UCF. Kerstin Hamann, Philip H. Pollock and Bruce M. Wilson have replaced the publication’s founding editors, John Ishiyama and Marijke Breuning, both from the University of North Texas, who became editors of the American Political Science Review. Hamann, chair of […]
About 100 faculty members have been recognized by UCF for their outstanding accomplishments in research and teaching. Professors were selected for Trustee Chair Professorships based on their extraordinary record of accomplishment in teaching, research and service. Recipients were Peter Hancock from the College of Sciences, Mubarak A. Shah from the College of Engineering and Computer Science […]
This is a guest post by David Houghton, who is an associate professor of political science at the University of Central Florida and can be reached at David.Houghton@ucf.edu. Social scientists just can’t help making predictions, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that we’re likely to be wrong. A few years ago, political psychologist Philip Tetlock found […]
Political Science students in Florida have several options for internships right now. Lee Constantine Former State Senator Lee Constantine is looking for interns to assist with his campaign for Seminole County Commissioner, District 3. His team needs interns to assist in the office, attend events, do precinct work, volunteer for the phone bank and wave signs. […]
Political science student Joshua Scriven has created a study abroad blog for students interested in the popular program. You can view the blog here. The WordPress site is packed with tips for students looking to travel and study in other countries with its Q&A section (which you can view here) and its Finance section (which you can […]
UCF political science graduate, Jamaal Weatherspoon, was recently selected for a Peace Corps Health Extension Assignment in Cambodia, Weatherspoon has worked with the Harvard Center for AIDS Research on national initiatives and as an HIV tester and Peer Educator. “The opportunity to see the world and simultaneously contribute to its development” is what Weatherspoon said motivated him to join […]
Gabriel Willman, a double-degree seeking student in both Political Science and History, he was recently awarded the Boren Scholarship for International Study for Fall 2012 and Spring 2013. This is the second straight year that UCF has had a Boren recipient and both have been Political Science majors. Willman was also selected to attend the Student […]
The College of Sciences is in the process of redesigning each of the college’s department websites. The first site to undergo a complete makeover was for the Political Science department. You can view the full site here. The new sites will be powered by WordPress, a popular blogging software that news organizations and companies use […]
The Student/Farmworker Alliance needs energetic and committed young people to work as interns during the Fall 2012 semester. Dates for internships are flexible, but a three to four month commitment between September and December is preferred. The deadline for the internship application is Friday, June 22. For more information, including specific intern responsibilities and how to […]
UCF political science graduate and real estate appraiser Jamie Lester has officially announced his intention to seek the office of Gulf County Property Appraiser. Currently he is a Florida State Certified General Appraiser. He has been an active member in the Appraisal Institute and the American Society of Appraisers where he holds the designation of […]
An associate professor in the political science and African-American studies departments at UCF, Kurt Young teaches a variety of classes, including International Politics of Africa, Politics of Pan-Africanism, Malcolm X, Black Nationalism and Internationalism, and Black Intellectual Experience, among others. “I’ve always felt that I had some sort of contribution to make, and what I learned […]
A study of the impact of term limits by NCSL, the Council of State Governments and the State Legislative Leaders Foundation concluded that in term-limited legislatures, “it is common to see members begin their campaign for leadership in their freshman year.” For instance in Florida, freshman lawmakers “begin to lobby their colleagues for support for […]
The East Side Regional Hob Nob, featuring political candidates and straw polls, will be sponsored 5 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, June 26, at UCF’s Bright House Networks Stadium by the Oviedo-Winter Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce and East Orlando Chamber of Commerce. Attendees are invited to eat dinner and vote for candidates on either Orange […]
It’s no secret to anyone who watches TV in Central Florida: More than five months before Election Day, the region is awash in an unprecedented – and expensive — flood of political commercials. Campaigns, political action committees and organizations with political agendas have spent more than $4.5 million in broadcast TV and cable commercials just […]
Ryan Whittingham is the recipient of the 2012 Bledsoe-Young Award, which is given out annually to a graduating senior with outstanding accomplishments, especially in the area of writing and creative activities. The award is given out by the UCF Political Science department. Whittingham is a National Merit Scholar, a President’s Scholar Award winner and has a 4.0 GPA. He […]
About 450,000 Florida college students will pay an average of $979 more for new federal loans starting July 1 unless Congress agrees to freeze the current interest rate at 3.4 percent. Facing a bleak job market, some students are pressuring Congress to spare them from higher payments, and members of both parties on Capitol Hill say they […]
In an apparent effort to boost the visibility of a low-profile contender going after a potentially vulnerable incumbent, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee on Tuesday added Gloria Romero Roses to its list of “emerging races” that could help the party regain control of the U.S. House. Roses is a relatively unknown candidate running against Republican Congressman […]