UCF students are invited to attend a networking workshop Tuesday, July 10 from 11 a.m. to noon. From the organizers: Don’t plant the seed when you’re hungry. Networking starts long before you need a job. Learn networking strategies to be successful in a highly competitive job market. The event will take place in Room: 115 of the Career Services […]
The UCF Arboretum is looking for volunteers this summer. The staff asks that students, faculty, staff and friends of UCF that are interested in volunteering show up punctually to their office for any of the volunteer shifts which are as follows: Mon. 8am Landscaping & Community Garden Tues. 8am Landscaping & Community Garden Wed. 8am […]
Please join us from 2 to 4 p.m. on Monday, June 25, 2012, at the National Center for Forensic Science, conference room 223, as we say farewell to Director Carrie Whitcomb. Carrie was hired in 1999 and has served the National Center for Forensic Science as its director since that time. In addition to facilitating […]
The Student/Farmworker Alliance needs energetic and committed young people to work as interns during the Fall 2012 semester. Dates for internships are flexible, but a three to four month commitment between September and December is preferred. The deadline for the internship application is Friday, June 22. For more information, including specific intern responsibilities and how to […]
Are you applying to graduate or professional school? If so, you might want to attend UCF’s training workshop on how to effectively prepare for the process. Become familiar with the graduate school planning process and time line. Information will be presented on graduate school applications, personal statements, graduate school interviews and more. The event is […]
The University of Central Florida Arboretum will hold a Summer Harvest Feast for students and community members June 7-8. Participants are invited to select a type of produce from the Arboretum’s community garden and prepare a dish using the ingredient for a potluck feast. Produce options include basil, eggplant, garlic, carrots, greens, cherry tomatoes, okra, […]
The casting team at ABC’s popular show “Shark Tank” will hold a third summer casting call in Orlando, Florida. The show features entrepreneurs who pitch their business plan to a panel of investors for a chance at winning investment cash. UCF graduate Phil Dumas, the founder of UniKey Technologies, was recently on the season finale of the […]
Florida Cleantech Acceleration Network (FL-CAN), Igniting Innovation (I2) Capital Acceleration Network, and MegaWatt Ventures proudly present Cleantech to Spacetech: Accelerating Florida Entrepreneurship, a two-day special event designed to encourage partnerships between entrepreneurs, investors, manufacturing partners, industry veterans, and students. Participants will be introduced to the latest cleantech initiatives, programs and entrepreneurial endeavors, and $200,000 in […]
Orlando Cares is actively recruiting volunteer Career Coaches for Path Finders, their student career exploration program. Volunteers with a job that they’d like to share with a middle school student at Memorial or Howard Middle School for a one-hour shadowing experience and two other class sessions are needed. Go to their website or call 407.246.3507 […]
Are you looking for volunteer opportunities this summer? If so, the UCF Arboretum needs you. Find out more information from the flyer below and from their site here.
Several times a year UCF Career Services hold job fairs. Today they hosted the StateWide Job Fair in the UCF Arena. The event was packed with over 100 companies that are hiring with positions for all types of graduates. To apply for jobs via Career Services and prepare for the next job fair, please visit their […]
Nine College of Sciences students celebrated the completion of their PhD programs last week. You can view all of the photos from this year’s celebration here. You can view photos from previous celebrations here.
The Science Olympiad National Tournament is coming to Orlando and we need your help! Each year, the Science Olympiad National Tournament is hosted by a major university, and this year UCF is taking the lead! And we need volunteers! If you are familiar with our state tournament, you know the effort that is required to […]
The Science Olympiad National Tournament will be held at UCF this year. Science Olympiad is a national organization in which middle and high school students compete as teams of 15 in a variety of science competitions in physics, chemistry, biology, earth space science, and engineering. The events require students to construct pre-built devices, conduct experiments, and […]
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation – Campus visit Hosted by Career Services at UCF U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation @ Public Service Career Showcase Thursday, April 19, 2012 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Location: Student Union, Pegasus Ballroom See who else will be at the Public Service Showcase: U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation Information Session […]
COMM Day is a day of professional development for students to help them transition to the real world. Nationally-renown speakers will share insights on careers and skills needed to start your career. UCF Alumni also will learn new ideas and strategies for keeping their skills current in the changing communication landscape. COMM Day is sponsored by […]
WHAT: Back for a third year, the UCF Book Festival is growing into its ambition as the city’s premier expo for lit lovers. Filling the celebrity role this year are “The Color of Water” memoirist James McBride and — drawing a completely different fan base — former Casey Anthony prosecutor Jeff Ashton, who has been […]
The 6th annual UCF Community Summit on Environment and Global Climate Change will take place Tuesday, March 27, at the University of Central Florida. The summit program will begin at 2 p.m., and environmental advocate Alexandra Cousteau will give the keynote presentation entitled “Saving the Planet” at 3 p.m. in the Cape Florida Ballroom of […]
The College of Sciences welcomes Sir Harold Kroto to UCF as a presenter in our Distinguished Speaker Series. Professor Kroto will give a lecture titled “Carbon in Nano and Outer Space” on Friday, March 30th, 2012 in the Communication Building, Room 101 starting at 4:30 PM. Sir Harold Kroto is the 1996 Chemistry Nobel Laureate and the Francis Eppes Professor of Chemistry […]
You are cordially invited to attend a reception in honor of Sir Harold W. Kroto, the 1996 Chemistry Nobel Laureate. The event for the Francis Eppes Professor of Chemistry at FSU will be held on Friday, March 30 from 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. in the Burnett Honors College at UCF. Professor Kroto will speak […]
Presenter: Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D., Clinical Research Scientist and Head of Functional Brain Mapping and Brain Computer Interface Lab Comprehensive Pediatric Epilepsy Center, Center for Pediatric Research Walt Disney Pavilion Florida Hospital for Children Title: Neurochemical regulation of auditory information processing studied with EEG/MEG: Application to schizophrenia Abstract: Cognitive impairments of attention, memory and executive functions are a fundamental feature […]
The UCF Arboretum is supporting and partnering with the College Democrats and the Honors Congress to plant 100 trees on campus March 14th. This planting is not open to the public, as the students in the College Dems and the Honors College will be providing all the labor. We graciously welcome media and donations in the […]
During the next two weeks, the University of Central Florida will honor the achievements of its leader, President John C. Hitt, as the campus community celebrates his 20th anniversary in office. On Wednesday, Feb. 22, Hitt will appear on WUCF TV’s Metro Center Outlook, hosted by Diane Trees, director of the Metropolitan Center for Regional […]
The UCF Women’s Club is hosting its annual ‘Closet Cleaning for Scholarships’ on Saturday, March 17, 2012 from 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. at the Tuskawilla Presbyterian Church at 3600 W. SR 426 (Aloma Avenue, near 417) in Oviedo. This is the third annual event which raises funds for non-traditional students at UCF. The Women’s Club awards three per year […]
Amitabh Pal, the author of “Islam Means Peace: Understanding the Muslim Principle of Nonviolence Today,” will make a presentation on the same subject Thursday, Feb. 23, at the University of Central Florida. Pal, who is also the managing editor of The Progressive, will speak at 3 p.m. in the Garden Key Room of the Student […]
Are you looking for a job? If so, UCF has two events for you. The first, “Where to Look and How to be Found,” will be held next Tuesday, Feb. 21, and will help students learn how to “gather information about the job market and how to effectively identify employment opportunities to get the job […]
The Golden Rule Review Committee (GRRC) is a standing committee at the University of Central Florida charged with making recommendations for updating The Golden Rule Student Handbook. Seven student members have been appointed by the Student Body President and the Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment Services. Meetings are open to faculty, students, staff, […]
The UCF Women’s Research Center proudly invites you to the first presentation in our “Successful Women Seminar Series.” Dr. Diane Chase, Executive Vice Provost for AcademicAffairs and Professor of Anthropology, will present “Digging Excellence: Archaeological Research and Academic Administration” on Thursday, February 9 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 pm with a reception to follow in […]
The 2012 International Crisis & Risk Communication Conference: Cultivating Trust in Uncertain Times will bring together leaders, researchers, and experts from private industry, government and the academy to facilitate an international dialogue about how we can collectively understand, adapt and respond to the significant crisis communication challenges we face in the wake of growing skepticism, […]
Students, faculty and staff you are invited to join Dr. Linda Walters in her ongoing environmental project: Oyster Mat-Making. Dr. Walters and her team will be making the mats to prepare for restoration efforts in the Indian River Lagoon in 2012. The community oyster mat-making event is on campus from 1-3 PM on Saturday, February 4 at […]