This weekend, as a part of Family Weekend, the UCF College of Sciences is participating in the 2014 College Showcase. On Sept. 20, from noon – 2 p.m. the College of Sciences will be showcasing their Psychology Department. On display will be their research areas in which high technology is used to help a variety […]
As an 80’s kid, one can only dream of going to work every day and working with video games. For Jon Hanson, ’12, this dream is a reality and he couldn’t be happier with his career. As a Product Manager for EA Sports Orlando, Hanson helps guide players through their end-to-end journey, from the time […]
The UCF Arboretum not only provides educational opportunities for students and the community, but they also partner with the Knights Pantry. The Knights Pantry offers food for free on campus. Obtainable through the space are canned goods, toiletries, and clothing. The shelves are filled up through donations made directly to the pantry or to boxes around campus. The […]
While many students spent their summer break enjoying the beach, University of Central Florida junior Grace Avecilla helped discover a new organism while interning at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Getting a chance to culture single-celled protists, a diverse set of microorganism, was the highlight of the internship, made possible […]
The UCF Arboretum is partnering with the UCF Research and Mentoring Program (RAMP) to provide a paid ecological research opportunity in Fall 2014. The RAMP program offers students an opportunity to participate in research projects guided by faculty and to benefit from faculty mentoring. Students will also participate in a variety of workshops that were […]
Planet hunters at the University of Central Florida invite children to join them for International Observe the Moon Night from 8 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 6. Last year, UCF’s Planetary Sciences Group sponsored an event to coincide with the international observation, which drew more than 100 people. So this year the group decided to […]
Wednesday night students and teachers of all majors joined together to honor a fallen knight at the heart of campus. A vigil was held the day after the announcement was made that Steven Sotloff had lost his life in the Middle East. The vigil was organized by three different student groups at UCF to honor […]
The American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS) has presented the 2014 Stuart C. Tentoni Outstanding Professional Development Award to the UCF program, ‘Diverse doctoral students: bridging the gap between culture and psychology.’ The symposium provided a forum for an open dialogue about diverse students’ unique experiences and challenges in doctoral programs. The focus was […]
The College of Sciences at the University of Central Florida will be presenting the Distinguished Speaker Series at a brand new venue this year, Cocina214. This Mexican and Tex Mex kitchen is sure to bring some spice to this series starting in September. The series brings renowned speakers from across the country to enrich the […]
Dr. Michael Chini, a recent graduate from UCF’s Department of Physics (PhD, 2012) and currentResearch Scientist in the Townes Laser Institute of UCF’s College of Optics and Photonics (CREOL), is a finalist for the American Physical Society‘s Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Laser Science Award for his dissertation, entitled “Characterization and Application of Isolated Attosecond Pulses”. […]
This year, after 42 years of service, the College of Sciences’ esteemed Associate Dean, Dr. John M. “Jack” McGuire, will retire. In honor of his retirement, the College of Sciences will host a reception Monday, June 30, 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Jack comments, “After 42 years at FTU, [now] UCF, I’m ready to move […]
Monday, June 30 at the Interlachen Country Club, the National Center for Simulation‘s 20th anniversary and the Lou Frey Institute Golf Tournament will be held. The Tournament will benefit the Vince Amico & Hank Okraski STEM Scholarship Funds and the Lou Frey Institute of Politics & Government. Guests will enjoy a fun-filled day of golf […]
How do you find a good Psychology internship? You can search for one on your own. Use your status as a UCF student and ask your local community members if they need a volunteer intern. Try doing a Google search of the type of experience you want. For example: Google “Mental Health Counselor in Orlando” […]
The College of Sciences wants to take COS faculty and potential donors on a long, moonlit walk on the beach. To learn about sea turtles of course! This summer, the College of Sciences has organized a series of Turtle Walks to promote the college’s excellent sea turtle research program and cultivate interest in the program. […]
Climate change models could have a thing or two to learn from termites and fungi, according to a new study released this week. For a long time scientists have believed that temperature is the dominant factor in determining the rate of wood decomposition worldwide. Decomposition matters because the speed at which woody material are broken […]
Dr. Simona Ceriani, a recent Ph.D. graduate in Conservation Biology, has received the John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This fellowship provides students with an interest in ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources as well as the national policy decisions affecting those resources, the opportunity to be matched […]
A UCF experiment and a 3-D printer for space developed by a UCF graduate will fly on the first NASA-funded commercial research flight on Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo. NASA and Virgin Galactic announced Tuesday that 12 university experiments, two industry-developed technologies and two NASA projects were selected for the mission. Dr. Joshua Colwell, a UCF physics […]
How would you do in a class that didn’t have any tests or lectures? Beginning in Fall 2014 at UCF, two physics classes will attempt to answer that question. Instead of listening to long lectures and taking multiple exams and quizzes, students will read the material at home and have their understanding improved via class […]
As three esteemed faculty members chose to leave their positions as department chairs, Dean Michael Johnson had to choose which professors would be their successors. The College of Sciences is pleased to announce and congratulate the new department chairs who willingly stepped up to help their departments such an important way. Dr. Graham Worthy, Department […]
Drs. Arlen Chase, Jana Jasinski and Laurence VonKalm were recently honored by the College of Sciences for their hard work as the anthropology, sociology, and biology chairs, respectively. A small celebration featuring a Pegasus cake and fellow associates, including Dean Johnson, was held in the College of Sciences building. Dr. Chase, former Anthropology Chair, has […]
UCF and the Brevard Zoo have partnered to create volunteer opportunities for students who wish to participate in oyster reef restoration and shoreline stabilization projects with the Canaveral National Seashore (CANA) and Fort Mose National Park (FM). Volunteering is open to all students, regardless of their major. Biology students are encouraged to participate. Volunteers needed […]
Visiting Mars in 2030 is going to take some engineering ingenuity, but making sure astronauts make the long, cramped journey without driving each other crazy is going to be just as tricky. It’s estimated that a round trip to Mars will take at least two years. That’s why NASA is investing millions of dollars trying […]
Saturday and Sunday, May 16 and 17, UCF will welcome over 10,000 middle and high school students, their families, coaches, and teachers from all over the United States and Japan for the 30th annual Science Olympiad. This is second time in three years that UCF has hosted the Science Olympiad, the largest STEM (science, technology, […]
The College of Sciences hosted over 1,000 people at its second graduation reception on Saturday, May 3 for graduating students to celebrate their accomplishment with classmates, family and faculty. Event attendance tripled in size in comparison to the fall 2013 reception with a line that wrapped around the Psychology building’s sidewalk and went out onto […]
University of Central Florida physicist Zenghu Chang has done it again. For a third time this year, his research group has published an article in a Nature journal. This time, Chang and his team have developed a new ultrafast light source for observing electron motion in molecules – made up of nuclei and electrons – […]
Recently, ‘UCF’s Ant King’, Joshua King, was featured on FOX for his work with fire ants. Tom Johnson, of FOX35, interviewed King about his fascination with fire ants, how fire ants came to Florida, and even a few tips on killing the pests. Below is the full video and article on Joshua King from FOX35. […]
As Americans struggle to care for a rapidly aging population, approximately 43.5 million people have assumed caregiver roles for aging family members and another 14.9 million are caring for people with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. In response to that need, UCF Pegasus Health, the College of Medicine physicians practice, is partnering with the UCF Department […]
May 2, 2014 the College of Sciences celebrated our new Ph.D’s at a special graduation reception. The event was held in the afternoon in the Physical Sciences building. Student’s family members and faculty advisers were in attendance. Associate Dean Teresa Dorman hosted a presentation that individually recognized each graduate with their faculty adviser and read a […]
The Pegasus Professor Award, given out annually, recognizes faculty members who have made a significant impact on the university and demonstrated excellence in teaching, research, and service. This award is the highest honor a faculty member can receive at UCF. Each recipient receives a statue of the UCF Pegasus, a gold Pegasus Professor medallion, a […]
The College of Sciences is elated to announce the 2013-2014 winners for the Teaching Incentive Program, Research Incentive Award, and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. As Dean Michael Johnson said, “this is a very accomplished group.” Each year, UCF’s Academic Affairs’ Office of Faculty Excellence gives incentive awards to outstanding faculty for their dedication to teaching, […]