[expand title= “What is a Research Buyout?“]
A research buyout is when a faculty member opts to place their salary charges onto one of their projects instead of being paid from a department account. The amount of salary that can be placed on a project varies by awarding agency, and salary placed on projects cannot be used to augment the faculty’s existing pay rate. After a research buyout, the total amount of salary that would have been placed onto the department account is made available to the faculty member to use to cover their summer salary. This is referred to as “salary savings.” Faculty should note that salary can only be used in the same year it is saved.
[expand title=”What is a Course Buyout?“]
Course buyouts are similar to research buyouts in that they consist of a faculty member opting to be paid from a project instead of a department account. However, the main difference is that course buyouts are used when faculty want to take time off from teaching in order to spend their time doing research. In this case, the funds that are saved will not be available to the faculty, but will instead go towards hiring another lecturer for the semester to instruct the class in the faculty’s stead. A minimum of 0.25 FTE must be saved to complete the course buyout.
[expand title=”How do I request a course or Research Buyout?“]
To request a course or research buyout, please contact your department administrator. If you are requesting a research buyout, you must have budget for salary available on one of your active projects.