Grad Student Launches Winter Coat Drive for Children

It might feel tropical this week, but colder weather is coming to Florida — and that spells trouble for the kids without protection from the elements.

Sociology graduate student Sonya Spence is working to correct that by holding a gently used coat drive for children from pre-K to high school. She was inspired by her own chilly childhood in Winter Haven without a coat.

“It’s a tough place to be in,” Spence said.

The coat drive continues through the end of January. Donations can be dropped off in the Department of Sociology on the fourth floor of Howard Phillips Hall (HPH). Spence has collected just under 50 jackets so far, but she’s optimistic more are on their way. All of the jackets will be donated to Polk County schools.

“Don’t let your jackets sit unused in the closet. Let them be a blessing,” she said.


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