LHS-1 Lunar Highlands Simulant

Exolith Simulant: LHS-1 Lunar Highlands Simulant


Component Wt.%
Anorthosite 74.4
Glass-rich basalt 24.7
Ilmenite 0.4
Pyroxene 0.3
Olivine 0.2

Simulant Name: LHS-1 Lunar Highlands Simulant

Current Status: Available
Developed By: University of Central Florida
Publications: Long-Fox, J., Landsman, Z., Easter, P., Millwater, C., Britt, D., 2023. Geomechanical Properties of Lunar Regolith Simulants LHS-1 and LMS-1. Advances in Space Research, 71 (12), 5400-5412. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2023.02.034
UCF has ceased production of the simulant. The simulant is now offered by Space Resource Technologies, a spin-off company. You can reach Space Resources Technologies at the following email address: info@spaceresourcetech.com

The LHS-1 Lunar Highlands Simulant has been developed by the CLASS Exolith Lab. It is a high-fidelity, mineral-based simulant appropriate for a generic or average highlands location on the Moon. The simulant is not made of a single terrestrial lithology, but accurately captures the texture of lunar regolith by combining both mineral and rock fragments (i.e., polymineralic grains) in accurate proportions.

The particle size distribution of the simulant is targeted to match that of typical Apollo soils. LHS-1 does not currently simulate agglutinates or nanophase iron.  However, our agglutinated simulant, LHS-1-25A, does simulate agglutinates characteristic of an intermediately mature Lunar Highlands Regolith. Custom simulated agglutinate mixes are also available upon request.


Photograph of LHS-1:

Photograph of Apollo 16 soil core tube 60014:

SEM micrograph of LHS-1 (courtesy of NASA JSC):