Frequently Asked Questions about Readmission:
What if support from COS is not provided for my readmission?
The COS Readmission Review Committee reviews each application holistically, and minimum criteria as outlined must be met. However, when criteria are not met and the applicant is denied COS support, we encourage on-going conversations with the advising team and faculty at the new institution (not UCF) to explore all options (including other majors and alternative institutions). COS readmission support is often denied due to lack of evidence of success in the major. Students who are readmitted must earn grades of B or better moving forward to come off of academic probation and to avoid being excluded from the University. It is for this reason that strong evidence of success in the major must be provided.
Can I apply at a later date if I take steps to meet all of the above listed criteria?
Yes, however, the applicants’ academic history (such as excessive withdrawals and course retakes along with repetitive poor grades in major-related coursework) does weigh heavily in the Readmission Review Committees decision when reviewing the application.
I took two or more consecutive (not including summer) semesters off (non-enrollment) and I was in good academic standing (2.0 or higher UCF GPA) when I was last enrolled at UCF. Now I’m ready to return, but don’t know where to start.
Start by completing the Readmission Application form available online at COS support is not needed in this case.
I took two or more consecutive (not including summer) semesters off (non-enrollment) and I was on Academic Probation (UCF cumulative GPA below 2.0) when I was last enrolled at UCF. Now I’m ready to return, but don’t know where to start.
If you took two or more semesters off while on academic probation and wish to readmit, you may do so by completing the appropriate application through the Registrar’s Office Please remember that you will be readmitted on academic probation and will be urged to seek advisement from your College (contact COSAS at For additional information, refer to our section on Academic Probation here.
I disqualified 5 or more years ago when last enrolled at UCF and I’m ready to return to finish my degree. What should I do?
Applicants who have not been enrolled for at least 5 or more years at UCF and whose quality point deficiency is greater than 30 points may qualify for the Academic Amnesty Program. You will need to complete the Academic Amnesty Program application, which you can obtain through and must return the application to by the deadline for the term of readmission (summer 4/1; fall 7/1; spring 11/1). Applicants should consider the following before applying for Academic Amnesty:
- Strong academic potential in relevant coursework at another postsecondary institute since last enrolled at UCF (transcripts should not reflect excessive withdrawals or excessive course retakes). These courses should be related to completion of an AA and common program prerequisites. All lower level courses needed for the major you are pursuing MUST be completed prior to applying (see for most current undergraduate Program of Study by major).
- Completion of an AA from another Florida public institute since last enrolled at UCF, if general education credits were not previously earned at UCF.
- Courses completed outside of the Florida public institution system will need to be evaluated and may not transfer into your major requirements seamlessly.
Once you have submitted the Amnesty application packet through COS, we will contact you for a meeting to review your application. Support for Academic Amnesty applicants is extremely rare.