I have a COS Academic Probation Hold on my Account. What do I do?
COS Students who are on academic probation will be placed in a COS online workshop each term on academic probation and will be sent an email through their UCF email detailing instructions along with a deadline to complete the Webcourse assignments.
Students can confirm whether they are on academic probation by checking their Student Self Service account through My.UCF.edu. Select either MyKnight Audit or Grades under the Other Academics drop down box. The Grades option will show UCF “Cumulative” GPA, and then go to the grades term that was last completing (not current term) and academic standing will be posted in that screen if the student is either Removed from Probation or not in good standing. The MyKnight Audit will have the current academic standing listed at the top if removed from probation or on academic probation. Finally, the University Registrar’s Office will send students a notice who are not in good academic standing.
COS holds are placed on student accounts in some cases, though the student is notified through their UCF email address in these cases. COS holds will not be lifted once classes begin in the next term, and the student will have to sit out that term, and request to be placed in the most current Webcourse to have the COS hold lifted.
A change in major that changes a student’s College (e.g. any major outside of COS) may result in the new College placing a probation hold.
About Academic Probation
Students in the College of Sciences are informed that they have been placed on academic probation and placed in the COS Webcourse through an email to their registered UCf email address.
Those who have a COS hold should plan to complete the Webcourse assignments before the end of the term. Because students are provided with multiple emails as reminders to complete the Webcourse assignments throughout the term, once classes begin in the next term, the COS hold will not be lifted until after the add and drop week has passed.
Students are required to complete the COS Webcourse each semester Placed on Academic Probation.
We strongly recommend that students complete the COS On-Line Workshop through Webcourses before the Withdrawal Deadline in order to learn how to avoid Academic Dismissal (such as withdrawing from courses that may lead to academic dismissal).
If you have a COS hold and do not have access to this web course, please email COSAS@ucf.edu and Summer.Bernini@ucf.edu through your UCF email only. Include your name, PID, and information about your COS hold.
Why is the Academic Sciences Plan Required?
The Academic Sciences Plan is designed to get students in touch with their major advisor to discuss their coursework for the current semester, plan out what courses are still required to reach graduation, and to develop a plan for the following semester that will allow a student to work towards graduation while improving their GPA requirements.
Download the Academic Science PlanTo complete the plan, students should first contact their departmental advising office (using the contact information listed to the right) for instructions on how to meet with your major/ department advisor. Students should bring a printed copy of the Plan to their advising meeting and work out a suitable schedule for the subsequent term. Have your department advisor sign off on the Plan.
Remember: The Academic Sciences Plan requires both your signature and that of your departmental advisor. Plans that are missing the advisor’s signature will not be accepted.
COS Departments/Faculty Advising OfficesCOS Academic Probation Holds
Those Students who have a COS hold are notified about their enrollment in the COS On-Line Workshop Webcourse on multiple occasions through their UCF email address. Students are given an extended deadline once the COS hold is placed, which is the last day of the current term. Multiple email notifications continue after the initial deadline to remind students to complete the assignments as the Webcourse will no longer be available once the term ends. Students are also notified that COS probation holds will not be lifted once the next term begins until after the Add/Drop period is over. This will prevent students from enrolling in the following term.