Referring to your Degree Audit and staying in touch with your Advisors are both key in keeping on track for graduation. Advisors can assist with schedule planning, certain types of overrides, registration obstacles and more.

If you have questions not addressed on this page, please reach out to


NID (Network Identification Number)

Your NID is the key to accessing the UCF computer network, the Internet, the library, and a world of cyber information. Your NID is used to login to all UCF websites.  It is two letters followed by a series of numbers (ex: ab1234567).  Your is also your student email address.

  1. Go to
  2. Beneath the login button, click on the link “What is my NID?”.
  3. On the next screen, enter the requested information & click submit.
  4. Your NID will be emailed to all email addresses on file.
  5. Use your NID to log into all UCF websites.  If you forgot your password, use the password reset.

Your UCFID is a unique student Identification Number, usually 7 digits long. Your UCFID is the key of accessing online registration, class schedule searches, adding or dropping classes, and a lot of other functions, including viewing your grades and fee schedules. Provide this number whenever you visit an advisor or coach.  Include it in any email to UCF Faculty or staff, so they can quickly find your information.

  1. Go to
  2. Log in using your NID and password.
  3. On the left menu, navigate to Student Self Service > Personal Information > UCFID Info.


Many questions about registration can be answered at

Before You Register
  • Check the Academic Calendar for all the important dates for Registration, Add/Drop, and Late Registration.
  • Check for To Do items and Registration Holds in your MyUCF Student Center.
  • Find your Enrollment Appointment Date (Located under your “To Do”s in the Student Center).
    • This is not a date for an in-person appointment; it is the day and time you can begin registering for classes for a certain term. You may then continue to register until the Add/Drop/Swap deadline.
    • If you register for your first course that term during Late Registration and/or Add/Drop, you will be charged $100 Late Registration Fee.
  • View your Degree Audit and Meet with an Advisor to understand how to read it.
Class Schedule Search
Registering for Classes Online
  1. Add classes from the Search to your Shopping Cart.
  2. When you’re satisfied, select the button at the bottom of the Shopping cart labeled “Proceed To Step 2 Of 3.
  3. Answer the prompts and then Click Finish Enrolling.
  4. You will receive a status message for each class enrollment that indicated either successful registration (green check mark) or an error (red X).
  5. View and verify your Class Schedule. Select My Class Schedule tab to display the List View option or the Weekly Calendar View option.
  6. There are a few common errors you may encounter while registering.
Error When Registering, But You Would Still Like To Pursue Enrollment (Override) Into A Course:

Error Examples and how to follow up:

  • Requisite Not Met For A Class: If you believe you have met the prerequisite, submit proof of the requisite (ex. transcript or previous course schedule) online at request an override.
  • Class is Full: Pursue the override with the department that offers the course.  (The department is listed in the details of the course search, or find the course in the undergraduate catalog).
  • Class Limit Exceeded: You are only permitted to register yourself for 17 credit hours (Spring & Fall terms) and 14 credit hours (Summer term).  If you feel you need to go over the credit limit, you must contact your major advisor for permission.
  • Instructor’s Consent Required: You must contact the instructor or the department that offers the course to pursue the override.


You may receive a variety of errors when attempted to register for a course.  Some can be overcome on your own, others cannot be overcome, and a few can be overcome with help from UCF faculty or staff with an override.   Click on the error to display tips for resolving it.

If you’ve completed the prerequisite course at another institution or via test credit, you may request a temporary override to register while your transcripts are still being processed. Complete the appropriate Override form (College of Science Courses or ENC 1102). Proceed with registering your other courses and keep an eye on your email for a reply. Overrides do not waive the prereq requirement; they allow registration while your pending transcripts enter the UCF system.
Only Certain Majors may take classes on the downtown campus. If you receive this error, your Major is not among them; Choose a different section. All downtown courses have section numbers ending in the 70’s. They also commonly are in locations “DPAC”, “UWXV”, or “CMB”. In class details, they say “Downtown”.
If a course ends in the letter “H”, you must be an Honors College student to enroll. Honors enrollment occurs when you first apply for admission. If you are interested in applying as an Honors student in the future, save or bookmark to contact the program after your orientation.
Click on the section link from your shopping list. Make sure “Waitlist if full” is selected. Try enrolling again.
You have exceeded the maximum allowable number of credit hours for one semester. For Fall & Spring, 12 hours is full-time, and the maximum is 17 hours. For Summer, 6 hours is full-time, and the maximum is 14 hours.
You have chosen two classes whose times overlap. Consider 1) does either course have other sections? 2) If not, is either course is an important prerequisite for later courses in your major?


The override process varies by situation and department, but for any override, you will need the following:

  • Full Course Number (Course Prefix & Number)
  • Course Name
  • Section Number
  • CRN (Unique class number for the section)
  • The error that is preventing you from registering for which you want an override.

In all cases, override is not guaranteed.  Be prepared to provide strong reasoning & documentation.

Type of Override Reason for Override Where to Request the Override
Pre-requisite Student has completed the prerequisite but is still receiving a prereq error – perhaps the course is not yet properly recorded in the system. College that hosts the course.  For College of Science (COS), scroll down on this page for the override link.
Class Limit Student would like to request admission to a full or closed course. Department that hosts the course. For COS departments, visit Departmental Advising.
Time Conflict Student would like to request admission to two courses whose times overlap with one another. Both Professors must agree, then contact the Departments that host both courses. For COS departments, visit Departmental Advising.
Term Unit Load Student would like to take more than the maximum number of credit hours allowed in a semester (17 in fall/spring, 14 in summer) Department of student’s major. For COS departments, visit Departmental Advising.
Instructor Consent Student would like to enroll in a course that requires Instructor Consent (C.I.) Contact the professor and they will provide instructions if they consent.

Please note a college can only process overrides for courses they teach, i.e. the College of Sciences cannot process and override for ENC 1102 since that course is taught by the College of Arts and Humanities.  Check that your course is indeed hosted by College of Sciences before submitting a request.

Commonly Mistaken for COS Courses College to Petition
ENC 1101 and ENC 1102 CAH
All Honors Courses BHC
ACG 2021 and ACG 2071 BA
MCB 3020, ZOO 3733C, ZOO 3744, PCB 3703C, PCB 3233 COM

Needed for your Prerequisite Override

Before continuing the override process make sure you have access to the following:

  1. UCF ID (7 digit ID number, no letters)
  2. Course Name, Section #, and CRN (Course Number)
  3. Status of class (Open, Closed, or Waitlisted)
  4. Picture of photo ID (Student ID or Driver’s License)
  5. Proof of pre-requisite(s).  If taken at UCF, degree audit.  If taken at another public Florida institution- unofficial transcripts or screen captures showing full name, institution name, course number and grade.

College of Sciences Override Request Form

Late Add or Late Swap Petitions

COSAS will only consider student petitions during the second week of the semester or the second week of the session in the summer semester. These include petitions from students to late add a course or late swap (add/drop) one course for another. Petitions will only be considered if the following conditions are met:

  • A fully completed petition has been submitted from the student’s ucf email account to no later than 11:59PM on Friday of the second week of the semester.*
    • Download COS Late Add/Late Swap Petition forms
    • The COS Late Add/Late Swap Petition forms must include the following:
      • Late Add/Late Swap Intake Form (Pages 1 and 2 – completed by student)
      • Late Add/Late Swap Support Form (Page 3 – completed by advisor (Step 1) and instructor (Step 2))
      • Late Add/Late Swap Acknowledgement form (Page 4 – completed by student)
    • For some petitions, other forms may be required and provided by the advisor or instructor such as
      • Override form
      • Undergraduate Registration Agreement (URA)
    • The student has met with a departmental advisor from the department that offers the course and the advisor has completed Step 1 of Late Add/Late Swap Support Form.
    • The instructor is willing to add the student to the course and has completed Step 2 of Late Add/Late Swap Support Form including providing information on how student can proceed (e.g., make up assignments) so they have the opportunity to succeed in the course. Please note that instructors are in no way obligated to support student petitions for late adds/swaps.
    • The student does not have any holds on record that may block registration.
      • Petitions from students with holds blocking registration at the time petition is emailed to will be denied.
      • If a hold becomes active AFTER the petition is received, the student will be contacted and given a brief time to lift the hold.

*Petitions received after 11:59PM will be denied.


Exception: Late Add Petitions for independent study, directed research, practicums and internships

COSAS will consider late add petitions for restricted registration courses after the second week, if extenuating circumstances prevented on-time enrollment and assuming the following conditions are met:

    • Assigned work can be successfully completed within the remainder of the semester.
    • Student and instructor completed an individual agreement using the required Undergraduate Registration Agreement form submitted to COSAS.
    • Note: Course can be for credit or for no credit.
Late Drop Petitions

Students wanting to petition to drop a class after the add/drop/swap deadline can do so in Academic Services at  Click on Petition Eligibility.

If the drop is needed due to college or department error, students may petition the drop by sending an email to  We will respond with instructions and an appropriate form.