Economic Geology of Lunar and Asteroid Resources Seminar: Jan 27

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Lecturer: Brett Denevi, NASA APL

Topic: The Lunar Highlands

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Brett Denevi is a planetary scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), the Deputy Principal Investigator of the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera, Co-Investigator on ShadowCam, an instrument that will image Permanently Shadowed Regions of the Moon from the Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter, and Vice Chair of NASA’s Lunar Exploration Analysis Group (LEAG). She also served as the Deputy Instrument Scientist for the Mercury Dual Imaging System on board the MESSENGER spacecraft at Mercury, and as a participating scientist on the Dawn mission at asteroid Vesta. Her research focuses on the origin and evolution of planetary surfaces, particularly the history of volcanism, the effects of impact cratering, and space weathering. Brett is the recipient of the 2015 Maryland Academy of Science outstanding young scientist award, a NASA Early Career Fellowship, seven NASA group achievement awards, and asteroid 9026 Denevi was named in her honor.

Recommended Readings:

Taylor, S., & McLennan, S. (2008). A primary crust: The highland crust of the Moon. In Planetary Crusts: Their Composition, Origin and Evolution (Cambridge Planetary Science, pp. 32-60). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511575358.004.

Gault D. E. (1970) Saturation and equilibrium conditions for impact cratering on the lunar surface: Criteria and implications. Radio Science, 5, 273–291.

Jolliff, B. L., Gillis, J. J., Haskin, L. A., Korotev, R. L., and Wieczorek, M. A. ( 2000) Major lunar crustal terranes: Surface expressions and crust‐mantle origins, J. Geophys. Res., 105(E2), 4197– 4216, doi:10.1029/1999JE001103.

Wieczorek, M. A., et al. (2013) The crust of the Moon as seen by GRAIL, Science, 339, 671-675, doi:10.1126/science.1231530.

Wilcox, B. B. et al. (2005) Constraints on the depth and variability of the lunar regolith, Meteoritics & Planetary Science 40, 695–710.

D.A. Paige, et al. (2010) Diviner lunar radiometer observations of cold traps in the Moon’s south polar region, Science, 330, 479-482.