Students transferring credit from other institutions may wish to request that a course be reviewed for equivalency with a UCF Course or Major Requirement. All course equivalency requests are now handled directly through the Registrar’s office, rather than through individual colleges, regardless of the course being evaluated.
If you’re just entering UCF and wondering if your courses have transferred, you can check through MyUCF > Student Self Service > Other Academic (Dropdown menu) > Transfer Credit Evaluation. Read more.
Some courses might still be in progress of being transferred in or posted to your account. These courses will have a “Pending” status in the Transfer Credit Evaluation screen. Courses which have completed being transferred in may be evaluated as equivalent to a UCF course, or not.
If the course you’ve taken appears as “Complete” but does not have a UCF equivalency, but you think it should:
- Check the public UCF Transfer Credit Equivalency Portal, a database containing the up-to-date library of our established course equivalencies.
- If the course does not appear in the above portal, you can request it be evaluated. Please ensure that:
- Your official transcripts have been submitted to UCF Admissions and have appeared in your degree audit.
- You have obtained a copy of the original courses’s syllabus in digital form (scanned pdf, image, etc) to submit with your request.
- You begin the process early; requests may take 4-6 weeks to process, and no specific results are guaranteed.
- On the Transfer Credit Evaluation page in MyUCF, there will may be a link to upload a syllabus for the course. Please use that method as long as that link remains available.
- However, after some time, the link will expire. After that point, you may use the Registrar’s Transfer Credit Evaluation Request System.
NOTE: Either of these methods are only for requesting that a course is evaluated as equivalent to a specific UCF course. If you would like to report an error in your audit unrelated to a course evaluation in process, please contact
The College of Sciences may still evaluate certain courses taken internationally or associated with study abroad.
In those instances, please send the international course syllabus to from your UCF student email.
Include your name and UCF ID.