October 29, 2019

Departmental Advising

Every student has a major departmental advising office available to assist them with specific concerns in relation to their degree. The departmental advisor is typically a faculty member or administrator that works specifically with your major and is an expert in your field of study. Departmental advisor availability varies from major to major, so please contact your program directly for additional information:

Actuarial Science Dr. Nizam Uddin TC2 208 407-823-2692 Nizam.Uddin@ucf.edu
Anthropology Dr. Sandra Wheeler HPH 309F 407-823-3769 Sandra.Wheeler@ucf.edu

Dr. Christa Diercksen




Chemistry Dr. Matthew Rex CHM 208 407-823-1260 Matthew.Rex@ucf.edu
Nicholson School of Communication & Media (Advertising/Public Relations, Communication, Communication and Conflict, Digital Media, Film, Journalism, Media Production and Management) Main Campus
NSC 130,
Downtown Union West 202
407-823-2681 NASSC@ucf.edu
Data Science Dr. Maria Capursi MSB 115 407-823-2697 Maria.Capursi@ucf.edu
Forensic Science Dr. Tamra Legron-Rodriguez CHM 325 407-823-1167 Tamra.Legron-Rodriguez@ucf.edu
Integrated Sciences and Technology Dr. Sandra Wheeler HPH 309F 407-823-3769 Sandra.Wheeler@ucf.edu
Mathematics Dr. Maria Capursi MSB 115 407-823-2697 Maria.Capursi@ucf.edu
Physics Dr. Elena Flitsiyan PSB 430 407-823-2325 Elena.Flitsiyan@ucf.edu
School of Politics, Security, & International Affairs (International and Global Studies, Political Science) Dr. Annabelle Conroy HPH 302 407-823-5910 Annabelle.Conroy@ucf.edu
Psychology Ms. Karen Cox PSY 250 407-823-2219 Psychadvising@ucf.edu
Sociology & Social Sciences Dr. Angela Vergara HPH 406A 407-823-0070 Angela.Vergara@ucf.edu 
Statistics Dr. Nizam Uddin TC2 208 407-823-2692 Nizam.Uddin@ucf.edu
Please visit your Departmental Advisor for:
  • Major Specific Questions
  • Class Scheduling
  • Course Content Questions
  • Internships
  • Independent Studies
  • Career Information