The UCF Math graduate program offers about 12 graduate courses per spring/fall semester.  Its graduate courses have 6 Prefixes: MAA (Mathamatics: Analysis);  MAD (Mathematics: Discrete); MAE (Mathematics Education); MAP (Mathematics: Applied);  MAS (Mathematics: Algebraic Structures); MAT (Mathematics); MTG (Mathematics: Topology and Geometry). To understand course information about course prefix and number, visit  Florida’s statewide course numbering system or ucf catalog.

Explore Math Graduate Courses at UCF for updated and detailed information about graduate courses offered by the program. If you do not see your courses listed, search among the graduate courses and the undergraduate courses, or contact the graduate program coordinator.

The following is a list of graduate courses offered in the last few years. Information in the round bracket following the course number is the semester offered and abbreviation of instructors. The first two digit is the year, the next two digits are the semester (01 for spring semester, 05 for summer semester and 08 for fall semester), and the last two letters are the first letter of instructor’s first and last name, and different instructors may have the same abbreviation. For the courses planned to offer, the semester information after the course number is in color. Some of syllabi are downloadable via the hyberlink.


Special Courses

In order to register for any of the special numbers below, a student must present a signed Registration Agreement form obtained from the Department or College.

Special Grad Grad and Prof
Directed Independent Studies 5907 6908
Directed Research 5917 6918
Special Topics/Seminars 5937 6939
Internships, Practica, Clinical Practice 5944 6946
Cooperative Education 5949
Study Abroad 5957 6958
Research Report 6909
Thesis—Master’s 6971
Thesis—Specialist 6973
Doctoral Research 7919
Doctoral Special Topics/Seminars 7939
Doctoral Dissertation 7980