MAP 2302 M W 4:30PM – 5:50PM MSB 0108
MAP 3930H M W 12:00PM – 1:20PM MSB 0204
Selected Publications (out of 125)
- R. Roopnarain and S. Roy Choudhury, Distributed Position and Velocity Delay Effects in a van der Pol System with Time-periodic Feedback, Journal of Vehicle Technology and System Dynamics, 8(2) (2024) 249–272. Refereed.
- S. Roy Choudhury, G. Gambino and R. Alfonso-Rodriguez, Stability and Dynamics of Regular and Embedded Solitary Waves of a Fifth-order KdV Equation , Physica D, 460 (2024) 134056.
- S. Roy Choudhury and K. Hagerman, Conditionally Integrable PT-symmetric Hierarchies and Near-Lax Pairs of the KdV and KPII Equations, Physica Scripta, 99 (2024) 045215. Refereed.
- SRC and R. Alfonso Rodriguez, Extensions of the General Solution Families for the Inverse Problem of the Calculus of Variations for Sixth- and Eighth-Order ODEs, Physics Letters A, 442 (2022), 128196(1-8). Refereed.
- S. Roy Choudhury, Hardeo M. Chin, Sheikh Salauddin, and Kareem A. Ahmed, Nonlinear Evolution and Persistence of Cellular Patterns in Self-Sustained Two-Dimensional Detonations, Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics, 6 (2022) 387-411. Refereed.
- S. Roy Choudhury and M. Russo, The Extended Estabrook-Wahlquist Method, Physica D, 327(2016), 58-72.
- U. Tanriver, G. Gambino, and S. Roy Choudhury, Lagrangian Dynamics and Possible Isochronous Behavior in Several Classes of Nonlinear Second Order Oscillators via the Use of Jacobis Last Multiplier, Intl. J. Nonlin. Mech., 74(2016), 100-107.
- S. Mancas and S. Roy Choudhury, Pulses and Snakes in the Ginzburg-Landau Equation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 79(2015), 549-571.
- M. Baxter, S. Roy Choudhury and R. van Gorder, Zero Curvature Representation, bi-Hamiltonian structure, and an Integrable Hierarchy for the Zakharov-Ito System, J. Math. Phys., 56(2015), 063503:1-21.
- S. Roy Choudhury, Turing Instability in Competition Models with Delay. I. Linear Theory. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 54(1994), no. 5, 1425-1450; and II. Nonlinear Theory, op cit, 1451-1467.
Office Hours
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm