Science Café is designed to bring together UCF scientists with the community in a fun and casual environment. Held in the Physical Sciences Building, the series highlights the exciting research currently being conducted in the College of Sciences. Each month features a scientist from a different department in the college. On September 18, the first […]
A paper written by COS undergraduate Kaley Wilburn and co-authors is featured on the cover of the August 2014 edition of the peer-reviewed journal Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. The students developed a new method for engineering chemical function into micro- and nano-scale devices that avoids distortions caused by conventional approaches. Plastics are increasingly used to […]
Every month, university wide, one student is honored with the Distinguished Undergraduate Researcher Award for their time spent researching a subject of their choice. So far this year, five students from the College of Sciences have been recognized and honored for their hard work. During their research, students work with a mentor that guides them […]
Robert Easton, ’77, looks back at his experience at UCF knowing that his time as a chemistry student gave him the fundamentals in building a scientific mind. After graduating UCF with his bachelor’s in chemistry, Dr. Easton attended optometry school at University of Houston College of Optometry and now has a successful career in optometry. […]
On Sept. 9, Dr. James Alan Fox will be kicking off the Distinguished Speaker Series in Winter Park at Cocina 214. Fox will be speaking about “Mass Shootings in America: Myths and Realities.” Specifically, he will talk about how these events are more methodical than people imagine and that increasing our understanding of mass murders […]
The College of Sciences at the University of Central Florida will be presenting the Distinguished Speaker Series at a brand new venue this year, Cocina214. This Mexican and Tex Mex kitchen is sure to bring some spice to this series starting in September. The series brings renowned speakers from across the country to enrich the […]
In a reception hosted by Dean Michael Johnson, the College of Sciences honored 11 Ph.D graduates on Friday, August 1, 2014. The Ph.D. graduates attended the reception in the Physical Sciences Building on the UCF campus with their families and faculty advisors. Associate Dean Teresa Dorman hosted a presentation that individually recognized each graduate with their faculty advisor […]
The University of Central Florida is home to one of the best resources for arson investigators in the nation, and starting next year the university will also be a resource for European investigators. UCF’s National Center for Forensic Science houses the Ignitable Liquids Reference Collection and the Substrate Database. The collection is a compilation of […]
Drs. Arlen Chase, Jana Jasinski and Laurence VonKalm were recently honored by the College of Sciences for their hard work as the anthropology, sociology, and biology chairs, respectively. A small celebration featuring a Pegasus cake and fellow associates, including Dean Johnson, was held in the College of Sciences building. Dr. Chase, former Anthropology Chair, has […]
Saturday and Sunday, May 16 and 17, UCF will welcome over 10,000 middle and high school students, their families, coaches, and teachers from all over the United States and Japan for the 30th annual Science Olympiad. This is second time in three years that UCF has hosted the Science Olympiad, the largest STEM (science, technology, […]
The College of Sciences hosted over 1,000 people at its second graduation reception on Saturday, May 3 for graduating students to celebrate their accomplishment with classmates, family and faculty. Event attendance tripled in size in comparison to the fall 2013 reception with a line that wrapped around the Psychology building’s sidewalk and went out onto […]
May 2, 2014 the College of Sciences celebrated our new Ph.D’s at a special graduation reception. The event was held in the afternoon in the Physical Sciences building. Student’s family members and faculty advisers were in attendance. Associate Dean Teresa Dorman hosted a presentation that individually recognized each graduate with their faculty adviser and read a […]
The College of Sciences is pleased to announce all faculty members who were promoted or earned tenure this year. Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor Joanna Mishtal, Anthropology Dmitry Kolpashchikov, Chemistry William Kinnally, Communication Andrew Nevai, Mathematics Masahiro Ishigami, Physics Promotion to Associate Lecturer Christine Hanlon, Communication Archana Dubey, Physics Cyrus Azimi, Psychology Shannon Whitten, […]
The College of Sciences is elated to announce the 2013-2014 winners for the Teaching Incentive Program, Research Incentive Award, and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. As Dean Michael Johnson said, “this is a very accomplished group.” Each year, UCF’s Academic Affairs’ Office of Faculty Excellence gives incentive awards to outstanding faculty for their dedication to teaching, […]
All College of Sciences’ faculty, staff and graduating students are cordially invited to attend our annual UCF College of Sciences Graduation Reception Saturday, May 3 in the atrium of the Psychology Building, immediately following graduation commencement. Light refreshments will be provided. The reception will be hosted jointly by the Nicholson School of Communication and all […]
Thursday, April 3, students, professors and family members crowded the Pegasus Ballroom in the Student Union for the Showcase of Undergraduate Research Excellence (SURE) Conference. The entire ballroom was covered almost wall-to-wall with fascinating and innovative research presentations. Each student had a trifold poster on display. They stood next to their work and answered questions […]
Faculty members, staff and students who have made significant achievements and academic contributions at the University of Central Florida were recognized at the annual Founders’ Day Honors Convocation on Wednesday, April 2, 2014. From a biology professor who has been featured in two National Geographic Channel documentary films (William Crampton), to a Professor Emeritus who […]
Need to access various pieces of software for classes without installing them on your personal laptop? There’s an app for that. At least, there will be soon. A $928,564 project proposal was awarded to the College of Sciences and 4 other colleges and divisions to develop a virtual apps program for the entire student body. […]
The College of Sciences, and UCF as a whole, is committed to educating students and faculty on how to handle any emergency situation, from an active shooter on campus to a student who needs CPR. We encourage all of our students to participate in the KNIGHTSHARE Expo, to become familiar with emergency personal and their […]
About 650 fifth graders from Orange County schools will see firsthand the opportunities that college can provide for them when they visit the University of Central Florida Monday, March 17. The college of sciences will play a big part in this rewarding College Education Day. Achieve a College Education Day, or ACE Day, is intended to inspire children by […]
UCF College of Sciences presents “Courting Social Justice: Social & Economic Rights in the Developing World” Distinguished Speaker Dr. Varun Gauri, Senior Economist with the Development Research Group of the World Bank Monday, 3/10/2014 4:30pm-5:30pm College of Sciences Building (CSB), Room 101 To visit website click here. Dr. Gauri will discuss the approach governments in the […]
The University of Central Florida’s College of Sciences’ graduate chemistry program has been ranked ninth of twenty-five U.S. graduate chemistry programs providing excellent career support by The College of Sciences is proud of the chemistry department’s achievement. Graduate students on are asked to rate their university’s graduate programs in 15 different categories such […]
The College of Sciences recently started a new tradition, as it held its inaugural Scholarship Luncheon in February to honor University of Central Florida 2013-14 donors and the college’s scholarship recipients at the UCF FAIRWINDS Alumni Center. The event was created to acknowledge the achievements of the college’s most accomplished students and recognize the continued […]
College of Sciences Alumna, Lauren Berger, ’06 (aka the Intern Queen) will be the Key Note Speaker on Tuesday, Feb. 25 at the Student Union for Leadership Week 2014: “The Gold Knight Rises, Rise to LEAD 2014”. Leadership Week will take place from February 24th through the 27th in the Student Union and various campus venues. Leadership […]
This year the College of Sciences has over $22,000 in scholarship money we’d love to give to students. Since the deadlines for scholarship applications are approaching fast, February 1st unless otherwise stated, we thought it would be a good idea to give a list of all current scholarships being offered. Browse by College of Sciences […]
The College of Sciences has 10 departments and is the largest college on campus in terms of student enrollment. To celebrate its students’ accomplishments and promote a sense of camaraderie between the departments, the college hosted a Graduation Reception on Dec. 13, 2013 in the atrium of the psychology building after commencement. Previously, some of […]
Chemistry PhD Program Marks its 10th Anniversary (2003-2013) 2013 is a very special year indeed. A cherished dream shared by many in the Chemistry Department and university, the PhD program in Chemistry was approved in July 2003 and admitted its first students in August 2003. The program and department have come a long way since […]
All faculty, staff and graduating students are cordially invited to attend our inaugural UCF College of Sciences Graduation Reception on December 13th in the atrium of the Psychology Building, immediately following graduation commencement. Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP online at The reception will be hosted by the Anthropology, Biology, Chemistry, Communication, Mathematics, Physics, Political […]
Kevin D. Belfield, Professor of Chemistry and Chair of the Department of Chemistry, was elected as a fellow of the prestigious American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the professional organization that publishes the journal Science. The honor is given to individuals by their peers for efforts to advance science or its application. Officially announced […]
When Dmitry Kolpashchikov, an assistant professor of chemistry at UCF, came to the United States, he never expected that he would be among a group of 85 people from 34 countries to become naturalized. A ceremony was held by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on Sept. 19 to welcome the group and was part […]